Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Thanks for da wishes~

Tiru dan tampal dr facebook~

Sbb inbox da terlampau penuh so just nk tulis kat cni sume2 wish yg kwn2 aku da bg supaya tak ilang di telan mase huhu~ Sume nie include dr sms, direct wish, chatting and wallposting~

Happy birthday to u.... :) -Myothant-

Haha, su da tua akhirnya..thniah2..slmt mymbut hr tua ;) -Syakila-

Happy 20th b'day su! dh tua dh..hehe..may Allah bless u n may ALL ur dreams come true. Gud Luck :) -mas-

Selalu sy doa awak chat, doa awak hepi,doa awak tng, dbrkti ALLAH.. doa sume la. take care =) n camat ari jadi.. da tue ek.. hahaha.. -Mira-

Hepi bezday.. Smoga pjng umor n murah rezki fufufu. Smoga nmpk muda spt yg diclaim dlm blog huhu.. -hairee-

hepi bezday....
जन्मदिन मुबारक हो (janmadina mubārak ho)
-お誕生日おめでとうございます (otanjōbi omedetō gozaimasu)
-Nakutakia mema kwa siku yako ya kuzaliwa!
Siku-kuo ya zaliwa njema! Furaha Ya Siku Ya Kuza Liwa!
-Gelukkige Verjaarsdag

oit. hepy bufday. B-) -kakak aku-

Sue, happy birthday.. Sory lmbt 21min.. Wish u all da best in ur life.. May Allah bless u always.. Amin -nina-

Tahniah~ Anda Makin Tua... -Aqilah Irina-

Haha Da Tua & Happy Birthday -Aqilah, Izzati, Lat & Jihah-

Salam..omedetou no tanjoubi..omedetou gozaimasu..smga pjg umur, murah rezki n brjaya dunia akhrt..=) -shazwan-

Makcik, Happy burfday!! Da blh kawen nie... Bile lg? -pika-

Oitt hepi bufday -kakak aku jugak-

epi bfday..! -Naqi-

Sue sayang.... Happy Burfday... -pika-

happy birthdaaaaaaay.. :)
wis you all the best and God bless you.. -Maya-

happy 20th birthday sue :) -Lat-

Selamat Hari Jadi..semoga panjang umur & dimurahkan rezeki..Amin..=) -Khairunnisa Hanina or nina-

Em..Jauh ni! Camne ek? Try jerit aje la.. Sanah Helwa~ just b a true Believer~ -Faizah-

Happy Bday. -mona-

Slm sue. Happie bday. :( s0ri 4 d late wish. Klm kbt balek umh smlm... :( -najmah-

Happy Birthday~ -Haikal-

Happy bufday..May all ur dream come true...Amin.. -Amirul-

hepy besday..may all ur wish comes tru ya,dear..=) -sal-

happy BIRthday sUE...-nina-

eh eh..sue..hepi besday..:D syg ko -Diana-

Epi Bufday~ -Masturah-

Rase2 nie la msg2 yg aku dpt. Hopefully takde yg terlepas pandang huhu~ Neway, thanks u guys =)

p/s: aku sgt pelik kenape rmai sgt yg wish aku slmat ari tua~? aku mude agi ar haha~

and sume nie msg2 ni agak sequential dr yg plg awal hingga last skalik aku dpt~

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Malam aku dianiaya~

Cam cuak jek bace tajuk tu kan? Haha~ tp mmg btol pn, aku kene aniaya mlm td. Well citer dia camni. Aku semalam lepak sorang2 satu hari kat dlm bilik kebosanan sbb roommate sume takde. Takde angin, takde ribut tetibe sume hilang camtuh jek. Well izzati atleast aku taw ape kes la nape dia hilang tp Aqilah mmg siyes hilang camtuh jek. Tp aku wat tatau je la. Smpai la ke maghrib, smpai la ke isyak, br la nmpk muka izzati. And before that jihah pn da balik. Still aku take my sweet time tgk drama jepon since wireless wat hal lak petg tuh. Aku gelak la sorang2 cam hape tah. Oh lupe nk ckp yg sbnr nye smalam satu hari agak takde mood atau lebey kurang moody la jugak. So saje nk baiki mood dgn tgk citer la. And sedar tak sedar Aqilah Irina pn da balik. Still aku wat tatau agi since aku cam tade mood gak ar.

Sume going on smoothly and aku smpat la online sepanjang mlm. And bape minit sblm kul 12 tetibe msg stat masuk bertalu2. Agaga~ mmg syok melayan msg masuk bebanyak sekali. Ye ar, setahun skali jer merase kn~ Aku lepak la, jwb sms, melayan lagu bla3. Pastu aku cam da malas lepak depan laptop, aku pn gi la dgr lagu smbil ber mesej kat atas katil lak. Ooo lupe nk ckp yg time aku lepak sorang2 tuh, tetibe lampu cam kene padam. Aku still wat tatau pasal best gak ar lepak dlm gelap melayan perasaan haha~ And time tgh sedap dgr lagu tuh tetibe ada serbuan kat bilik aku. Aku antara terkejut ngan tak terkejut. Tetibe terdengar suara Aqilah Irina. Abes dia terkam aku ngan selimut kot. And tetibe jerit, "Anda menjadi tahanan~!!". Aaaa aku da cuak da time tuh. Dia kasik selimut aku tutup satu kepala and then bawak aku kuar bilik. Da la aku siap terlanggar locker pulak tuh. Ades~ Dia dok kasi pusing2 smpai aku pening and bwk aku kuar bilik. And seriusly aku da penin cam hape tah time tuh. Dia bwk la aku jln keliling satu blok and siyes aku x dpt cam katne aku berada. And siap bawak aku langgar tong sampah besar lagi tuh~! Naseb baek x bwk masuk toilet aiceh~! Pusing2 pastu last2 aku ditinggal kat tangga sorang2 dengan dia ikat selimut tuh. Aku da cuak takot tak dpt lepas kn diri la~ Bila dpt jek selimut aku trus nk gi balik bilik but still x dpt cam katne aku ade. Dlm tgh cuak tuh skali tgk ade sorang sister tgh gayut kat tangga. Cis~ aku mmg agak malu time tuh. Dgn muke cam hape tah kat citu trus sis tu gelakkan aku. Waaa~ kekejaman melanda. Aku lari2 naek tangga nk kejar Aqilah Irina tuh and trus masuk bilik tetibe... "Happy Birthday~!!" Agagaga~ speechless kot. Walaupn da dlm jangkaaan still speechless sbb first time kene rumble.

Diorang sume dok pakat gelakkan aku cam hape tah. Tp siyes best mlm tuh =) Kitorang makan2, gelak2 and menambah kalori dlm badan sbb aku mkn 2 slices of cake pada waktu tgh malam. And malam tuh jugak kitorang ade girls talk *kahwin~~!! haha~ shhhh~* Dok berjoyah satu mlm since esok takde klass except Aqilah ngan jihah. So mlm itu sgt best la sbnr nye. Hepi sesangat diorang wat camni and I really appreciate it. Seb baek diorang x trus kn rancangan nk baling telur kat aku. Aiceh kalu x busuk ler aku mlm tuh.

Pictures x ley upload pasal connection sgt lembap tp bley di view kat photo album aku kat facebook~ Ada byk gambar yg terpakse di censored haha~

Thanks korang for the beautiful night~!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Psychologycally, sifat bulat?

I just extracted some interesting facts from Izzati. She just went for a camp, an Islamic camp to be exact actually. And after she came back, she asked me this question,

"Antara bentuk segitiga, segi empat sama, segi empat tepat, bulat dan bentuk S, bentuk mana paling awak suke? Jawab ikut hati, apa yg first terlintas kat fikiran"

And without thinking even further, I blindly chose round shape. And of course, every shape will have their own meaning. So, this is the explanation:

1. Orang yang memang susah nk fokus.

Agaga~ serius kene tepat kat btg hidung kot. Siape yg kenal aku, sure taw camne aku sbnr nye kat dlm klas. And camne aku react kat lecturer everytime aku dok dlm klass. Har3~ siyes ckp, aku jarang2 skali dpt fokus bile lecturer ckp kat dpn. Percaya ataw tidak, utk klass programming kat matric ngan kat gombak nie, sikit pn tade aku penah fokus time lecturer mengajar kat dpn. Aku mmg taley duduk still camtu jer utk dgr org bercakap. Aku akan start maen ngan pensel la, kalu ade internet lak aku akan online. Even klas m3 pn, bukan 100% aku dpt dgr ape bro tu ckp. Otak aku suke la melayang ke mane yg dia nk. Ni mmg tak tipu. Aku sgt3 kurang daya fokus. Aku lebey suke wat self study kat bilik~

2. Orang yang boleh buat multitasking.

Ni pn agi satu mmg agak btul but not 100% btul la. Tp mende ni dpt tgk time aku tgh study. Aku kalu study, taley dok diam and study jer. Lagu wajib ade and kat tepi aku mesti tersedia laptop utk aku maen game/online sambil study. Adekah ini dipanggil multitasking? Entah, aku pn tatau. X dpt cari contoh laen yg lebih baek. Tp yes, I don't mind multitasking. Ask me to do 3-4 jobs at one time, insya Allah boleh kot.

3. Kekemasan bg seseorang itu sangat la abstrak.

Um yg ni cam malu sket nk citer tp ape yg aku ley kate, bilik aku tak la secantik dan sekemas bilik gadis2 laen. Camne nk ckp ek? Tp ape kesimpulannye adalah kemas bg aku hanya la sedap mate memandang and takyah la nk bercorak2 hape2 tuh. Uhuhu aku x reti la. Aku hanye perlu taw barang2 aku dok kat mane, itu sudah cukup. Aku bkn jenis yg very particular. Aku x bape kesah la kalu barang tu x bape tersusun asalkan aku dpt jumpe barang yg aku perlu. Aku da reveal mende nie, so jgn la korang kensel aku jadik calon isteri korang ek. Aku suke kemas, tp secara abstrak har3~

4. Orang yang suke berkawan ngan sumorang, it means, bkn jenis memilih kawan and takyah kawan ngan org spesifik.

Aku yg dulu mungkin jenis memilih kawan, tp aku yg skarang, totally not. Aku yg skarang nie jenis yg suke tambah network, suke kawan ngan sape2 jek. Sume nie aku blaja stat dr aku dok ict. Ye ar, memandang kn aku tukar course agak lmbat so kebanyakan klasmate aku adelah junior dr pelbagai lapisan. Dulu kat matrik, I never stick kat one group. At one time I'll be with this group, and the other time lak dok nyebok kat group laen. Tu sbb aku rase kalu kat cni tetibe aku sesat kat group memane pn, I think I can survive. Prinsip aku senang, sape nk kawan ngan aku, kawan la, sape pikir nk buang aku dr hidup dia, I could careless. Banyak agi org boleh buat kawan kn? Hurm, in fact sbnr nye aku pikir kalu jmpe ngan org baru nk kwn agi best, sbb dpt jmpe ngan manusia yg melampau byk ragamnya. Tp satu jer prinsip kene pakai, jgn buang kawan lama kite. Networking itu penting haha~

So basically aku rase sifat bentuk bulat itu byk kene ngan aku. Mungkin ade agi sifat laen yg aku x mention tp nie yg dpt aku fokus kan skarang. Besh jugak permainan psikologi nie sbnr nye huhu~

p/s: btw, kalu sape pilih segitiga, segiempat same, dua2 tu adalah org yg sgt contrast ngan aku ek. sifat kite sgt la berbeza. And kalu pilih segi empat tepat lak, dia adalah sgt natural. Dua2 belah punye sifat pn ade~

I right now kind of agree with the fact that we won't realized what we have done before are hurting other people until that particular things happen to us back. But then, when we have already realized it, it kind of far too late to regret. So people, THINK before doing anything.Hearts are not meant to be broken.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Random pics

Just wanted to post pictures that haven't been posted though I do have a thought of posting it before. It's just some random pictures~

These two pictures were took when I was still at Mahallah Zainab waaaaay back in CFS. It's the rainbow, I guess. Pretty :)
The view from my room's window. Calming for studying~
This is the cupcake that Aqilah had made. Delicious~

Okay, just some random stuffs~

I'm getting younger. it's true~!

Waaaa~ finally I can post something here. From the morning (well not early morning laaa~) I've been trying to do new post and post up comments but seems to failed everytime. Sgt saket ati kut tak tipu.

Td morning went for math class. At first been planning to go for the first session (bajet tunjuk rajen la) but then I woke up quite late (shhhh~) so yes, I missed the first session for the class. Nk tak nak I went for the second session. And quite lucky for us, the second session cam gile x bape rmai org. And managed to rebut 1 mark ngeeee~ Kalu x slalu the brothers yg seems to get the marks jer. Ye la sisters kn cam pemalu gile (konon haha~)

Okaaaii... lagi a few days I will loose the teens title. Cam x caye nk msuk 20 dh. Sgt x suke. 2 is a big number la for me (haha tu lom masuk the thirties agi). Redha je la diri makin tua. Dh la sblm nie asyik kutuk org laen tua jek, x sedar diri pn dh capai usia doploh tuh. Haha~ Ape2 pn people always say that I look like a 16 years old girl. Forever 16 agaga~ perasan~

Kakak aku da dpt jpa scholarship dia so pe lagi, nie la time nk mintak hadiah birthday besar2 dr dia hehehe. Very untung those with jpa scholarship. Tak mcm people who used ptptn, sgt sengsara kut. Very mengade2 la ptptn. Some of my friends went on a real hardship procces just for the sake of the money. Xmo kutuk ptptn lebey2, sat agi kene saman ngan diorang haha~

Arini puasa agi. Lagi satu hari then abes da ganti sume yeay~ padahal da lambat gile kut. Nk dekat ramadhan da nie. X sabar nk tunggu ramadhan, bulan yg penuh ketenangan. Sume akan menjadi slow pace and tension pn akan berkurangan. Siyes x sabar =)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mentally tired...

Right now aku sgt rase aku tgh mentally not really stable. Tatau la ape sbb sbnr. Tp ape aku boleh kata, dr segi mental, aku rase sgt penat. Mungkin aku tau sbb ape, tp aku cam malas nk layan masalah tu so aku wat bodo jer and menyebabkan mental aku menjadi sgt penat.

And dlm time2 gini la tetibe ramai member dtg mintak tolong. Hurm... bkn kesah sgt diorang mintak tolong tp rase cam x bape sng ati time tolong. Ye ar, dpn diorang muke cam kunun hepi belaka, padahal aku sorok kn muke aku yg penat sbnr nye. Macam talam dua muka la jugak kot. Tatau la. Tp seriously, aku ikhlas nk tolong cume x ley la aku jadi diri aku yg sbnr skang nie. Aku x leh nk layan kengkawan aku cam kanak2 riang yg btul. So if anyone terase aku nie laen mcm ke hape, sorry la ek, I didn't mean so.

Ni mlm karang pon nk tolong mona and her friends install antivirus. Esok lak nk tolong Amira pulak. Tape la, aku semat dlm ati, tolong diorang dpt pahala and dpt ilmu skali.

Tu je la kot update arini... hurm...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

She's already married~!

Recently got some shocking news. I just found out that one of my classmates/course mate in ict/a kind of close friend of mine already got married. I'm very very very shocked with that news. And I really really really thought that it was her sister who got married. This news sure will break a lot of men's hearts haha~ Well this girl has changed quite abruptly recently but I don't expect it's because of she is right now belongs to someone. Neway, though I don't expect her to read the blog but still just want to say congratulations to this sweet girl and really hope that she and her spouse will live happily forever, until the hereafter world. Even if you are already someone's wife, we still can hangout together in the class. Wey, very sweet la she and her husband when I met them two just now. Cepat2 la wat kenduri ek~ hehe~

p/s: this girl so pandai sorok secret ek ;P

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Yang ku cari bukanlah harta
Yang ku puja bukanlah rupa
Yang ku damba bukanlah ilmunya
Hanyalah satu, iman di dadanya


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Out to klcc

It's just a quick update as I'm very tired right now. Went to klcc with Aqilah, Izzati, Hairee and Aqilah's bf, Nasirudin just now. Watch harry potter and eating our lunch at sushi king. Fun day though =) but seriously tiring cuz I need to walk all day long. Met alina and bf while buying tickets with hairee. Haven't met her for quite a long time cuz she was previously at mahallah safiyyah and not knowing her current mahallah~ And Econs building is freaking far away for me to actually go there and meet her. So yeah, here you go, the pictures which are from izzati's phone~ Didn't have any chance to get any pics from Aqilah nor hairee rite now~

Sesi bergambar kat kinokuniya sblm kene halau ngan pak guard haha~

The three roomies, mE, Izzati and Qila~
Hairee, mE, Izaati, and Aqilah's bf, Nasirudin
The 4 classmates~
The two guys sgt khusyuk bace menu~
Kami perasan model revlon~Aqilah, mE and Izzati
Luv Luv u guys~

Let's go again next time =D

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tatkala bosan di klass management

Ni la hasil nya bile bosan kat klass, apetah agi bile dok kat klass management~ Beri perhatian, tulisan kami tidak la seburuk yg disangka, itu ade la hasil tulisan tgn kiri kami ek~

Hasil nukilan, Suhaila Roslan dan Aqilah Irina hehe~

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sem baru kat UIA

Bile dok cni nk update blog pon cam tade mase. Ye ar, bkn slalu dpt wireless and everything. Baru bape hari kat UIA da rase cam nk pengsan. Penat nye x ley ckp la. Skang nie pon tgh rase saket blakang yg teramat sgt. Td dok pi klass Management dgn ati yg agak berat. Dh la jauh yg tersangat la jauh nye Econs pny building. Baru tau prasaan jihah hari2 kene gi jalan smpai Econs sane.

Byk sbnr nye nk kasik tulis kat cni. Bape hari kat UIA da jadik mcm2 mende. Huissh penat nye la. Um, aku rase agak puas ati la ngan bilik aku skang neh. Baru nk merasa ade compartment sendiri so yes, agak best. Tp satu mende x besh sbb tingkap dia tade langsir so bile tido terpakse ngadap tingkap yg kite tatau ape benda yg ade kat luar tuh. Da la tido sorang2. Dua hari tido kat cni, hari2 asyik terjaga pukul 3 pagi. Pastuh selang sejam mesti terbangun agi. Mungkin sbb sejuk sgt kowt. Padahal comforter dh tebal gile kot. Takkan la sejuk. Tp siyes la, aku rase akhir2 nie terlebih sejuk. Mungkin pasal kitorang atas bukit kot. Slalu kat bilik dulu panas membara bile nk tido. Pastu nk kasi citer kat cni pasal toilet kitorang. Pagi2 agak menakutkan pasal toilet kitorang ada lebah ooo. Aku nk mandi pon takot. Sat agi kene sengat sape nk jwb? Ishh agak kene abandoned lama gak ar blok yg kitorang duduk tuh. And lagi satu, bilik kitorang da naek pangkat da. Dr tingkat 4 naek ke tingkat 5 wawawa~

Aku nk ucap simpati kat Izzati. Naseb dia agak malang 2-3 ari kat UIA neh. Memula dia kene resdung pasal bilik yg sgt berhabuk tuh, pastu henpon dia pulak terjatuh dlm lubang toilet, and bile beli henpon baru, charger, earphone and mende2 laen lak tertinggal kat KL sentral. Sudah jatoh di timpa tangga. Takziah ek Izzati~

Sumorang cam ade problems memasing time starting sem nih. Ade la bape org dok ngadu masalah mereka huhu. Cara yg sgt x besh utk stat sem baru. And kitorang, as in aku, nina and mas pon ade masalah neh. Well, actually kitorang sbnr nye da add Unggas, tp kitorang drop pasal takot ngan ustaz tuh huhu. Dr cni la stat masalah kitorang. Smalam punye la ulang alik dr bangunan IRK, pastuh gi HS building, sat agi pi IRK balek. Semata2 nk cari ustaz yg bernama Adi Setia. Da la smalam aku dok jln2 atas longkang tuh tetibe tgk dlm longkang ader biawak, diulangi, BIAWAK dowh~ btol2 bawah kaki aku. Trus jerit cam hape tah. Ngeri kowt. Kalu dr jauh tape la~ Ok lupekan pasal biawak tuh. Tade kene mengena ngan citer nie. Nk jadik citer, pnat2 gi bilik ustaz tu, tgk ustaz tu tade. Ok fine, kitorang pikir nk dtg esok nye arr. Bile esok nye, tgk2 klass Discrete Math tade so ape lagi, pakat rmai2 pi jumpa ustaz tuh. Kitorang menapak la dgn bersemangat nk pi add manually klass ustaz tuh. Smpai jek, suwuh mas ketok pintu pasal antara kitorang nie, mas je la muke yg leh mintak simpati (haha~ sowie mas). Pastu ketok la pintu. Bile da ketok dgr ar cam ustaz tuh suwuh kitorang masuk so kitorang bukak la pintu. Bila da bukak, tetibe tak pasal2 kene tengking ngan ustaz tuh. Dia ckp sumthing like how rude to open the door without my permission and sum sh*t like that la dia ckp. Ntah ape agi dia merapu aku xmo dgr da. Pastu dia ckp suwuh dtg esok. Aku cam trus ckp cancel la nk amek klass ngan dia. Tak jadik. Punye semangat ingat dia neh baek, sekali tgk jadik camnih. Ntah ape2 la ustaz tuh. Taleh tegor baek2 ker haaa?? Taw la kitorang salah, tp kitorang salah dgr/salah paham kot. Kot ye, ckp la elok2 sket takleh? Saket nye jiwa tyme tuh Allah saje yg taw. Mas agi kesian pasal dia yg kene jwb ngan ustaz tuh. Mmg cara ustaz tuh ckp tak ley blah la. Nk kasi citer pon tatau camne. Bkn cam sorang yg berbudi bahase bercakap la. Org berbudi, dia xmo berbahasa~ Sengal punye ustaz. So sape2 nnt, takyah la amek ustaz neh ek huhu.

Klas sume takat nie ok aje tp aku kene kurang kn ber facebook time dlm klass. Kasik kurang tumpuan jek huhu. Kitorang sume dok chatting dlm klas neh~ Haishh taley jadik neh~ Ok la, idea da habes, nnt kasik update agi. Salam~

Friday, July 10, 2009

Melayan emo di sushi king

Rase nye skang ni da ade saket blakang yg melampau. Ye ar, da la suke mengadap laptop pastuh duduk ngan postur yg x btol lak tuh. Mmg effect abes la nih. Saket gile kut.

Hari nih mmg emo abes la. X syok tol. Bila la mood baek nk dtg balik nih. X besh la nk emo2 nih. Hormon punye pasal la kot. Menyampah gile. Pastuh kakak aku pon nk dok emo2 skalik. Eccey, malas nk layan.

Emo2 pon smpt la layan sushi king. Hanya la utk mengubati ke-emo an aku nih. So ape lagi, layan ler huhu~

Uh, oh~ sedap yg mencabar keimanan haha~

Woman Quotes

Found myself to be bored (and quite moody!) tonight so I just move around the net to find anything interesting that can caught my eyes. And I found one interesting website that contains freaking amazing quotes about women (and some with men~). Just thought of sharing so here you go. I only picked up the lines that I thought are interesting~

"Sure God create man before woman, but then again you always make a rough draft before creating the final masterpiece"

"Woman was taken out of man, not out of his head to top him, nor out of his feet to be trampled underfoot, but of his side to be equal to him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be loved"

"Women have a wonderful instincts about things. They can discover everything except the obvious"

"Women always worry about the things that men forget, men always worry about the things women remember"

"You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, she is beautiful because you love her"

"When a man gets to speak, people listen, then look. When a woman gets up, people look; then, if they like what they see, they, listen"

"Every women is wrong until she cries, and then she is right, instantly"

"Women complain about premenstrual syndrome, but I think of it as the only time of the month that I can be myself

"Men play the game; women know the score"

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Lagu dlm blog

Aku mmg jenis yg suke blog walking and blog hopping kat blog org len. Terutama nye aku suke gi blog kawan2 aku and spam kat sane (ekekeke~) And aku pun sgt suke pegi kat blog yg aku x kenali and habes kn mase satu hari dok bace dari awal smpai akhir. Tp satu benda, aku x suke la nk letak komen2 aku kat tmpt diorang. Well, hanya nk menambah ilmu semata2 so malas nk komen2. Dh mcm2 jenis blog aku jmpe. Sume jenis aku ley bace, even yg jenis lembap nk load, aku sabor gak menunggu. Tp ade satu jenis jek aku btol2 x ske nk masuk tahap benci. Blog tersebut adalah blog yg letak lagu tp kite x leh nk pause/ stop kn lagu2 tuh. Aku x kate salah letak lagu pasal kadang2 kite nk share ngan org interest kite tp kalu nk letak player pn, letak la yg ada button pause or stop. Ade sesetengah tu aku still leh tahan pasal aku suke ngan lagu2 dia tp camne kalu lagu2 tu mmg aku x suke? Aku akan rase sgt2 annoyed utk bace blog org tuh and last2, cepat2 aku tutup. Aku akan bace entry cepat2 tanpa sempat nk btul2 menghayati blog seseorang tuh. Sori kalau ade yg ter offended ngan post aku neh, x bermaksud begitu, it's just an opinion~

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bebelan utk arini~

Td pegi utk pasang crowning. Not bad la tp still x bape cantek. Pastuh doc tuh ckp kalu ade fulus agi pi la wat crowning tok 2 gigi agi. 2 gigi tuh. rm500x2=rm1000. aaa sengal nye doc neh~ mau kasik aku bankrupt ke hape~ tape2 kasik kumpul duet agi. kalu aku maseh kaye aku wat ler doc ooo~ takat 1 gigi aku maseh mampu agi skang neh. nie smpai 2 skalik so no thanks for now~ mmg perabes simpanan jek la~

And pas abes crowning kakak aku ajak pi kfc kat kawasan jaya tuh. Aku sememang nye refuse bermati-matian pasal arituh aku da freak out ngan sorang mamat neh. Dia nie keje kat kfc tuh pastuh ade ker suwuh org bawahan dia pi kaco aku pasal nk mintak nombor aku. Bape kali aku ckp xmo kasik, dia suwuh gak owang bawahan dia tuh kaco aku. Bkn nye brani nk mintak sendiri. Kesian aku tgk org yg kene tolong dia tuh, kene buli ngan senior dia. Tp sori la weh, I don't give my numbers randomly to someone I don't know. I don't entertain strangers. Kalu kawan2 aku xpe ar gak~ Last2 aku bg nombor tp pura2 cam "No yg anda dail tiada dlm perkhidmatan, time kaseh" haha~ sengal. Tu pasal la xmo pi kfc tu agi. Tak pasal2 kene kejor kang huhu~

Skang nie sbb ayah aku sakit so kakak ngan abg ipar aku currently will be staying at our house for a couple of weeks. Um, bkn aku x ske, well satu sbb mmg makin berkurang la privasi aku tp x kesah sgt pasal diorang nie keje yg kuar pagi, petang nk dekat mlm br nmpak muke. Tp satu yg aku kesah tu la, takot diorang tension dok cni. Ye ar takot abg ipar aku x bese dok umah nie lelame. Buat nye diorang tetibe bergaduh ke hape, naya ooo~ aku x suke~

Okeh tamat la bebelan utk arinih~

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sengal nye sesetengah manusia...

Td gi tgk transformers once again ngan kakak2 aku. And time nk bli ticket tuh ade la sorang cashier yg kerek gile nie sgt2 x reti apekah itu etika terhadap pelanggan. Time tuh cam bese la tgk2 time sesuwai, cari seat sume and everything. And pastuh minah tuh trus tekan nk kasik tgk total bape kene bayar. Time kitorang cam terlupe pasal student card utk discount and bile nk bayar baru la teringat so kakak aku tanye la ley x pkai student card. Pastu minah kerek cam hape tu tah tetibe ckp, "Lainkali kuar kn student card tu awal2!!" Kerek tak, kerek tak, kerek tak??!! Kerek gile kn. Iye la tau kene kuar kn awal2 tp x ley ckp leklok ker?? awak tu kan tgh melayan pelanggan. bkn nye tgh deal ngan org bawahan. aku lak time tuh mmg tgh pegang matrik kad trus dok campak kat depan minah tuh. cam sengal gile pompuan tuh. kalu kasik report ngan manager mmg abes la dia. Malang skali time tuh aku tgh bengang gile so tade makne nye nk pandang muke pompuan tu lelame. Itu hanya satu contoh manusia kerek.

Yg ni lak contoh kedua~ Ade la time arituh gi cameron. Kat kawasan r&r. Time tuh mmg la rmai gile org nk mkn and bla3. Kitorang pon of course nk mkn gak so gi la cari tmpt. Jmpa satu jek yg ade 4 tmpt duduk. Kitorang 8 org so konpem x cukup tmpt punye. Pastu kitorang cam perasan la kat sebelah nie ade la bape org tgh duduk pastu nk abes mkn da so kitorang bajet lepas diorang abes mkn ley la kitorang amek tmpat diorang. Lame tggu pastu dpt sabar agi. Ye ar, nk tggu abes mkn~ tp pastuh aku da stat hangin satu badan. nk tau pasal ape? pasal diorang dgn x timbang rase nye lepas abes mkn trus dok lepak citu sambil hisap rokok. diulangi, diorang dok hisap rokok tanpa hirau kn kitorang kat cni yg tgh nk cari tmpat utk makan. seriously sgt selfish la manusia2 nie. Ok fine, mungkin x nk bg tmpt tu kat kitorang tp be considerate la ckit. Time tuh tgh rmai org and mmg sgt2 x cukup tmpat time tuh. Ape kate kalu btul2 nk smoking pon pi la kat tepi2 jalan raye tuh, haaa~ hisap la puas2~ tade sape nk larang. Ni x, dok biar org len yg ade niat bek nk makan kene berdiri smbil makan. Ishh sengal~

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Okay, serious skrg aku tatau ape perasaan sbnr aku. Sama ade keliru, sedih, risau atau ape. Mungkin lebih kepada keliru.

Skrg baru aku btul2 sedar sbnr nya ayah aku tgh sakit. Ada kemungkinan sakit yg tak normal tp stil tak tau sakit ape. Sbnr nya ayah aku mmg da lama sakit tp mungkin sblm nie aku dlm state of denial. Well, ignorance is a bliss. Aku slame nie tau ayah aku cam kurang sihat tp aku pura2 cam tak tau up until smalam kat cameron highlands. Kitorang mmg la jalan2 cam bese kat citu have fun and everything. Ayah aku mmg muka cam x larat sbb penyakit pening dia tuh. Aku fikir benda tu benda biasa sbb ayah aku mmg slame nie asyik pening jek.

Tp time mlm tu time lepak kat bilik mak ngan ayah, tibe2 jek ayah ckp sumthing. Sumthing yg sbgai anak korang x mo dgr. Ayah aku tetibe jek ckp kat kakak suruh kakak aku langsai kan sume hutang dia. Aku memula wat muke cam hepi tetibe diam. Sumorang diam. Aku dok perhatikan muka ayah. Nmpak mata dia dh merah. Pastu mmg aku pintas dia ckp kenapa ayah ckp camnih. Pastu ayah gelak2 jek. Dia cam nk cover muka dia yg nk nanges tuh.

Balik bilik tuh, sorang2 anak ayah nanges. Firstly, stat ngan aku pasal aku mmg tgh shock gile. Last2 sume nanges. Aku lak time tuh mmg tahan lagi pastu decide nk pi dok jap bilik mak ngan ayah. Time tuh aku mmg try control gila perasaan. Aku serius wat muke cam hepi padahal dlm ati sbnr nya Allah saje yg tau betapa aku menahan perasaan time tuh. Betapa sedih nya dlm hati Allah saje yg tau. Aku pandang muka ayah jek aku rase nk nanges tp aku tahan. Time mak aku nk mandi sat, ayah dok lepak atas katil ngan muke cam penat pasal mkn ubat. Cam biasa dia tgk la majalah3. Aku lak time tuh tibe2 mmg langsung x dpt tahan perasaan dok nanges kat katil single kosong kat seblah tu. Mmg cover abes muka ngan selimut. Mmg aku nanges dlm diam time tuh. Bile time ayah aku mandi baru aku tunjuk kat mak yg aku nangis. Yg aku sbnr nye btul2 sedih ngan condition ayah... tp aku x mo tunjuk kat ayah yg aku menangis. aku x mo wat dia risau ;(

Pastu td lagi skali dia ckp ngan kakak sulung aku suruh dia jaga kitorang adik beradik pulak. Aku mmg x leh tahan. Cara dia ckp dia cam gambar kn yg dia btol2 cam da x pjg usia. Aku tak tau nape dia nk ckp camtuh. Wat aku sedih sgt2. Serius sedih. Ayah aku sbnr nye lum jmpe doktor pakar agi. Dia jenis tipikal org2 tua yg x ske gi hospital. Bagi dia klinik is enough. But then takat ubat klinik boleh wat ape la sgt cuz they don't know ape penyakit sbnr dia. Ubat yg dia bg pon lom tentu btul. Ayah aku lak mmg consistently makan ubat smpai aku rase dose dadah pn cam da byk. It's a painkiller, I'm guessing.

Aku sbnr nye lum ready agi kalau2 ayah pergi dlm mase terdekat. Selama nie dia sgt kuat, dia yg paling kuat dlm family nie sbb dia sorang jek lelaki. And aku sbnr nye tak leh trime yg dia sakit. Dia skang da tak rajin nk gurau2 ngan kitorang sume, especially ngan aku. Sedikit sebanyak, aku rindu ngan gurauan dia. Aku rindu ngan ayah yg slalu happy dok usik anak2 pompuan dia. Aku rindu segala nya. Aku blum nk lagi dia pergi. Aku x dpt terime.

Lagi skrg aku kesian ngan mak aku. Depan ayah, dia tunjuk diri dia sgt tabah. Sgt2 tabah. Tp depan aku, dia x mampu tahan air mata. Mak aku perempuan, so dia tak la sekuat mana. Aku tak tau ape nk jadi kalau anything happen pasal mak aku dh biasa selalu ngan ayah. diorang jarang berpisah lama. And mak aku sbnr nya x sekuat mana. Aku tau pasal aku anak dia. And aku sebagai anak mmg nk support dia. Cube pegang dia selagi aku mampu walaupn aku sendiri rase x mampu nk pegang diri sendiri kalau jadi ape2...

Mak aku ckp sbnr nya ayah aku risau. Dia sgt risau kalau jadik ape2 sape nk jaga anak2 pompuan dia. Sbb selama nie mmg dia jenis yg took care of his daughters no matter what happen. dia jenis yg sgt overprotective. Kalau balik lmbt sket jek mesti dia risau habis. Dia risau nnt kalu dia takde, camne makan minum anak dia? Camne ngan life anak dia? Dia risau sume tu... tp aku pn rase ayah aku nie lemah semangat skit. Belum tau lagi penyakit sbnr and dia cam da putus asa. Aku sbnr nya teringin sgt pegang tgn dia and bagi kata2 semangat, jgn putus asa, jgn putus.. tp aku hanya mampu pegang and pandang dia. Tak mampu nk ckp ape2... aku mmg x reti nk borak pasal mende2 ni ngan dia. slame nie aku tukang bagi support kat mak aku jek pasal selama nie hanya mak jer yg lemah dan memerlukan sokongan. Ayah aku slame nie tough enough without my support. Skrg nie? Aku pn tatau nk watpe...

Anyway, seriously praying hard for his own safety. Doa supaya dia pjg umur. Aku atleast nk biar dia tgk aku berjaya. Berjaya bagi scroll ijazah kat dia. Atleast tgk aku besar smpai aku kahwin... Ape2 pn, aku still anak ayah...


Friday, July 3, 2009

There's a huge difference between someone who be friend with me because of the benefits and someone who be friend with me because he/she really likes to be my friend. I'd prefer the second type of course.

But yeah, the first type do exist,
and yes,
she doesn't even bothered to read my blog
nor even bothered to know anything new from me
only cared about her own self
I'm disappointed


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Yesterday went to see the dentist. Honestly I don't really favor going to the dentist. Those who have know me from primary school will seriously know how I used to really hate dentist. But now, whether I like it or not, it's not an option. I started seeing the dentist frequently when I finally see the serious need of having braces. Started wearing braces since 2007 and have it opened late 2008. But fortunate not, my teeth right now are not as straight as I have hoped for. So yes finally yesterday went to see the freaking dentist again after quite a long time. I soooo don't like it.

So yesterday went to Klinik Pergigian Chuah. Second time went there. First time is only for filling but then the doctor said that the tooth can't be healed (donno to use what word) just by using filling. So he suggest to use crowning instead. I do take my time to think over it because crowning for one tooth ain't that cheap. Rm500 per tooth ooo~ serious not that cheap. Can buy a new handphone summore. But then after think of many times and I told my father about that, he said that he willing to sponsor it for me. I donno la if u guys noticed, but one of my tooth is kind of decaying and looks not nice so yeah, best option is to do crowning.

Forgot to say that somehow I refused to go the previous clinic that I used to go for braces. I kinda hate the doctors, very rude, even to the customers. I finally realized that when I went to this klinik Chuah. The doctor is from UM. And very2 gentle towards patient. I can seriously see the huge difference there. Even when he injected the pain killer, I felt no pain at all. He even asked me many times when doing the the treatment whether I feel any pain or not. And, no, I can't feel any single pain. Very good la the doctor~

For those who don't know what crowning is, it's like replacing the old tooth with brand new tooth. But different ek with the gigi palsu. Nothing to do with that. Just need to remove the not so nice tooth and kind of put the new one to cover the old one. Very hard to explain so better google yourself to know more.

Right now need to wait for another week for the crowning to be ready. Then only I can have it on my tooth. Right now the tooth only covered by a slim filling and can break if I don't take care of it. Can not eat those hard things, very hard la~ Planning to do another crowning with my another tooth that look not so nice but, with my own money. Don't want to ask from my father to burden him. So yeah, just use my own money la.

Very long time I never use English in my posting so it feels kind of awkward. Don't want my English to rot so yes finally decided to update in English~ There you go~~

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Semalam pi Sunway Piramid dgn bestfrens aku yg kami hanye berkesempatan berjumpa 2-3 kali jek setahun. Sedey x? Haha~ x kesah, yg penting we have fun setiap kali jmpa weeee~~!! Cadangan asal Pika nk bwk keta tp mungkin la ayah dia x caye ngan kitorang so terpakse la nek teksi jek. Xpe2 merase gak arr nek keta Pika bwk smalam. Time nk alik huhu~ Kitorang pi la tgk transformers and men boling 1 game. Best oo~ Lupe nk ckp transformers mmg seriously best. Kalu x tgk mmg rugi ar. Teknik CGI yg sgt mantap oo~smart seyh~ feeling sedih gile mase optimus prime mati tp x nanges ler hehe~ Dok 2jam 30minit mmg enjoy abes la. Tp ade la skali tu mmg kacau tol pasal tetibe gambar dia hilang kejap. Da la time tu tgh syok enjoy tgk dia lawan. And seriously mmg lawak abes ler citer nie. Cume satu jek, lawak kotor yg terlampau byk~

Um, gambar terpakse di super resized kn pasal page aku da penoh gile ngan gambar oo~

Najmah, Me, Pika
Aku punye markah paling tinggi ooo~ (padahal kalah kat saat2 akhir haha~)
Saje gatal2 tangkap gambar b4 masuk kat wayang tuh~
Ni la frenship bracelets yg kitorang bli smalam~
Najmah pkai kan tok Pika~
Aku pkai kn tok Najmah
And Pika pkai kn tok aku~ Lengkap la satu pusingan heee~~
Amek gambar dpn toilet hoho~
Cam bese dlm toilet gak jadik mangsa~

Sgt fun~ Lenkali nk pi agi~ Kite gi go-kart lak ek~Heee~~