Aku diam bukan bermakna aku tak kisah. Aku tak kata apa2 bukan bermakna aku tak sedih. I don't tell because I don't like to tell. That is.
Yes, don't be jealous, cuz you don't have what I have.
Read between the lines, please.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Just words
Posted by su at 8:26 PM View Comments
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Aku beli winter coat lagi. Tukar lain pulak -__-"
Aku beli winter coat baru. Haritu punya mak aku amek. Malas nak citer panjang2 harini so aku bagi gambar je laa kat sini.
Oh, btw, td aku terserempak dengan Indian Muslim nak kahwin dengan orang Russia. Sumpah lawa bini dia. Diorang nak kahwin kat Siberia. Mereka peramah gila. Siap borak2 lagi dengan kami.
Ni ler rupa coat terbaru aku
Aku malas nak crop gambar. Sori laa kalau gambar2 tu nampak cam serabut sikit.
Posted by su at 3:58 PM View Comments
Monday, December 26, 2011
A doctor's blog; an interesting blog to read.
Harini aku terjumpa satu blog yang jarang2 boleh jumpa jugak laa. Blog seorang doktor. One word I can say when I read the blog, amazing.
Ok, point of view aku actually agak berubah laa bila baca blog beliau ni. Sebelum ni aku memang laa pandang berat jugak kat tugas seorang doctor. Tapi sekarang lepas aku baca blog beliau, oh my, memang tugas seorang doctor ni sangat noble lah actually.
Aku budak ICT. Everyday, I only deal with coding, programmings, projects, machines, all these stuffs. You know machines, when it comes to worst, even it may cause you to lose very much of money, you can just throw away those machines, and buy new machines to be on hand. But doctors? Hey, they deal with people's lives okay. I can somehow imagine how they'd feel to face the worst situation that could happen in medical scene, the life or death situation. For us, machines can be throw away, but them, they deal with humans' life okay. Humans' life are precious. Not something that can be taken very lightly.
Reading that doctor's blog, oh gosh, I am imagining myself dealing with those critical cases, and the unfortunate case come, and the unexpected death is on it's way. They witness the death of their patients okay. Not an easy thing to do. How I can imagine the depression that they suffer when a patient dies. How I can imagine.
Also, reading the blog change my perspective. I wasn't really into the donating blood stuffs. You know, typical us human, we don't really bother doing things that don't benefit us directly. So I don't really pay any attention in donating my blood. But after I read it from doctor's POV, finally it captures straight right to my heart, why we need to donate our blood. There are many patients are suffering or maybe dying because of there's no blood in blood bank, okay. I finally realized this especially after reading the latest case in his blog, about Allahyarham Noria Idris, who passed away because of some complications, and also NO BLOOD IN THE BANK. This changed my view okay. I pity that woman. Trying to deliver her baby safely but unfortunately, Allah sayang dia lebih. We need to donate blood. Yes, we need to.
Also, when I read the post about a patient who had very serious injuries because of accident, need to go under several surgeries, like, how many doctors are needed and how many surgeries are needed, just to save a body, a precious body, a precious human's life.
And many other things. I think you guys should try to read these kind of blogs. Really give you something. Much of information can be gained with these kind of blogs. Rather than only reading itu semua gosip artist sahaja, or blog pasal politik sahaja, or blog pasal Korea sahaja. Broad up your mind. Try to read something new. Something new to ponder off.
For those who are interested, here's the blog: http://xhansx.blogspot.com/. I didn't find much blogs like this but if I find out more, I'll post it up here. Which is kind of difficult, well because not many doctors will blog like the one that I found. Haha :)
Posted by su at 12:51 AM View Comments
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Aku sudah beli winter coat. Mau tengok kaa? Hehe
Hokeh, harini aku gi shopping untuk pergi Istanbul nanti. Cis. Aku rasa aku kena betulkan niat la. Aku pergi nak kerjakan umrah, bukan bercuti hokehhh!!The thing is, temptation untuk Istanbul itu sangat ada. Insya Allah lepas pergi kursus umrah nanti baru aku boleh pasang niat betul2 nak gi tengok Kaabah ni. *Tekad kan hati, tekad kan hati!!* phewhhhh.
Anyway, aku beli winter coat harini. Shopping jugak ler. First time beli hahah. Sumpah aku rasa kelakar pulak baju tu. Padahal kat Istanbul sana tah2 tak ler sesejuk yang disangka. Eleh, jangan cakap laa kan. Aku dok dalam aircond temperature 23°C pun dah menggigil. I am not too fond off with sejuk2 ni. Of course.
Saja nak tunjuk2 baju yang aku beli harini. Kot2 ada yang berkenan sila2 la singgah Universal Traveller untuk membeli. Discount sekarang banyak since dah hujung tahun. Heheh.
edit: p/s: hokeh sumpah aku malu dengan baju ni actually wakakak. Bagi untuk cover malu, actually aku nak guna baju ni again laa nanti, insya Allah nak pergi Korea lak time winter. Hopefully hasrat ni tercapai heheh
Posted by su at 10:57 PM View Comments
The drastic change from my high school life
Aku teringat jugak laa dulu2 waktu zaman sekolah, I used to be the lonely person, used to be the type of "melukut ditepi gantang".
When I was in high school, people used to not care about me. They used to not pay any attention towards me. I don't have the courage to voice out my thoughts. Well, actually, probably I wasn't even care to give any thoughts. I don't seem to exist back then in high school. I used to only live in my own world. I don't mixed up easily with other people back then.
Aku actually dah lupa yang aku pernah jadi lonely person masa sekolah menengah dulu. Aku lupa macam mana aku dalam kelas dulu seorang yang sangat pendiam. Aku tak mahu bercakap dengan orang, langsung tak nak bergaul dengan orang melainkan mereka yang rapat dengan. Benda yang buat aku teringat bila aku terbaca status kawan aku kat facebook cakap yang orang tak ambil kisah pasal pendapat dia. Orang tak mahu ambil kisah pun pasal pendapat dia. Macam orang anggap dia tu tak wujud lah. Macam aku dulu.
Aku bersyukur jugak lah aku berubah matang bila masuk universiti ni. Aku berubah sikit2. Dari orang yang tak tahu bersosial, kepada orang yang bergaul dengan semua lapisan. Baik senior, mahu junior, mahupun kawan sebaya aku. Ye, aku belajar untuk bersosial disini. Pentingnya skill berkomunikasi tu.
In fact sekarang, people do count my thoughts. Whenever I voice out my thoughts, people take that into their account. And in fact sekarang, people search for my opinions. Tu yang aku bersyukur betul dengan aku yang sekarang. Aku bukan lagi mereka yang melukut ditepi gantang. Aku bukan lagi mereka yang bagai tak wujud di sekolah. Whether aku ada atau tak ada, dulu mereka tak pernah kisah.
Masa sekolah dulu pun mana ada orang nak duduk sebelah aku. I'm not the person they want to hang out with. Masa sekolah, almost everytime end up duduk sorang2 masa memula masuk kelas, tunggu cikgu dok susun kedudukan kat dalam kelas, nak cari partner nak duduk sebelah aku. Even position dalam kelas pun, macam bendahari ke apa ke, orang mana nak pilih aku. Setakat ajk Bahasa Melayu pun susah aku nak dapat. Kalau dah takde orang sangat baru mereka cadangkan nama aku kut. Menunjukkan betapa tak popular nya aku kat sekolah dulu.
Itu yang bila orang sebut pasal sekolah, I'm not that excited to talk about school. Bila orang ajak datang balik sekolah, jumpa cikgu, aku antara orang yang cuba mengelak. Cikgu pun tak favour aku dulu kot. Aku antara muka yang dianggap menyemak jugak lah duduk kat science stream tu. Aku teringat masa dulu waktu aku masih dalam Engineering, terjumpa cikgu add math aku. Beliau tanya lah aku sekarang kat universiti mana. Aku cakap laa UIA. Beliau tanya lagi aku course apa. Aku cakap aku amek Engineering. Punya lah terkejut cikgu aku sebab dia tak percaya hahahah. Nampak sangat muka disbelief dia. Oii, kemon laa. Aku tau laa zaman sekolah dulu aku selalu fail add math dalam kelas dia. Mana tak nya, setiap kali kelas add math mesti aku tido punya lah wakakak.
So sekarang actually kat UIA, aku rasa aku dah makin pandai bawak diri. Surroundings aku mungkin jugak lah yang memupuk perangai baru aku ni. Rasa malu dah berjaya dibuang. Low self esteem pun berjaya dibuang, alhamdulillah. Aku sekarang punya kawan2 yang tak pernah lupa nak ajak aku hang out sesama even some of them aku tak mampu nak tunaikan permintaan nak hang out sesama dengan mereka sebab kesuntukan masa. Aku sekarang punya kawan yang rasa kekurangan dan kehilangan bila aku tak join sekali bila diorang hang out sesama. Aku sangat bersyukur dengan benda2 ni semua. Aku sekarang pun sudah berani suarakan pendapat aku bila bekerja berkumpulan. Aku bukan lagi macam dulu bila orang suruh buat kerja, aku hanya akan ikut je. I can actually lead a group now, bila orang mintak aku lead or aku terpaksa lead. Aku sekarang dah berani suarakan pendapat aku membangkang kalau aku rasa ada benda tu tak sesuai. And groupmates aku sekarang memandang berat atas segala pandangan aku, at least they take it into their account walau tak semua diikut. Aku bukan macam dulu lagi.
Aku sekarang sentiasa mencari ruang membaiki diri. Whenever I get the chance. Alhamdulillah sekarang makin mudah nak progress kan diri. Walau pun aku masih ada kekal sifat aku yang aku tak laa boleh masuk dengan semua orang. Some of them are just too hard to mix with.
Aku tau, susah untuk berubah sebenarnya. Aku berubah juga. Tapi bukan dipaksa. Aku berubah dengan semula jadi. It went naturally, alhamdulillah, that's what God has planned for me. Cuma masa hadapan kalau aku ada perubahan lagi, aku berharap kepada yang lebih baik, insya Allah.
Posted by su at 1:03 AM View Comments
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Umrah in March, 2012. Insya Allah.
Insya Allah, on March next year, I'll be flying out of Malaysia to perform umrah. I can take this as a confirm one since we've already paid the deposit at the company that we'll be going with =)
Actually, I am quite excited with this. First time weh nak fly. Ok, aku jujur mengaku aku tak pernah naik flight. And to tell you the truth, cuak beb nak naik airplane hahah. Ok, gelak2. Aku memang cuak pun actually.
Aku pergi umrah tak ler terus pergi kerjakan umrah. Transit dulu. Perjalanan jauh gila. Aku dah dok calculate laa jugak berapa jam nak sampai ke destinasi. First thing first, kitorang kena naik bas pergi Singapore, of course lah kan memakan masa dalam 5 jam lebih macam tu. Then kitorang stop dulu kat Singapore, jalan2 kat sekitar situ dulu. Lepas jalan2 sekitar Singapore, board on plane, naik Turkish Airlines. Transit ke Istanbul, Turki.
Perjalanan dari Singapore ke Turki pulak makan masa dalam minimum 12 jam. 12 jam seyhh minimum perjalanan. Masak gak ah nak duduk kat dalam tuh. Mana pernah aku jalan jauh2 ni. Paling jauh pun pergi takat Kelantan sana. Tu laa sejauh pernah aku sampai. Dalam 10 jam. Ni pulak flight. Lagi tak leh blah.
Aku dah usha2 gak laa pasal Istanbul ni. Since aku pergi waktu bulan Mac, so masa tu tengah Spring kat sana. Minimum suhu yang boleh dicapai waktu bulan Mac dalam 7°C and maksimum pulak dalam 14°C. So aku pergi memang kena prepare laa nak mengadap cold weather. Since aku dengan sejuk memang tak ngam zzz. Istanbul ni located very near to Europe, like you guys can see in the map.
Posted by su at 7:15 PM View Comments
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Mereka kata aku gemuk, tak pernah nak kurus. Kenapa?
Sekarang ni, ramai jugak lah warga UIA yang aku jumpa, bila jumpa aku je mesti kata aku makin kurus. Especially bila aku jumpa mereka yang dah lama gila aku tak jumpa. Yerp, mereka puji aku kurus. But the thing is, bila aku jumpa family aku, mesti mereka still kata aku gemok. Why eh? Lagi laa bila jumpa nenek or nenek sedara aku. Nenek belah mak aku kata kaki aku besaaaaaaar. Sumpah sedih actually. Mereka ni macam buat aku gila down lah actually every time jumpa mereka.
Actually, aku tahu jugak lah sebab dia kenapa. Sebab nya? Sebab dulu aku kurus. Serius. Tanya mak aku. Mak aku pernah cakap lah kat aku, dulu2 aku ni macam tak cukup berat. Masa aku sekolah rendah lah kan. Mak aku siap bawak aku jumpa doctor. Siap doctor risau kenapa aku tak cukup berat. Kurus tak aku dulu? Kurus. Aku tau.
Then, aku start gain weight waktu sekolah menengah. Walau tak ketara mana lah. Still, aku gained weight quite much. The uncontrollable way of eating menyebabkan aku jadi macam ni. Mula laa muncul lemak2 yang tak diperlukan.
So sekarang, aku actually under state of depression. Sebab mereka tak boleh anggap aku kurus dah, sebab mereka dok banding aku dengan yang dulu. Kakak aku yang no 4 tu, dulu memang gemok laa. Orang panggil dia debab, and orang panggil aku si kurus. Sekarang ni akak aku yang tu dah turun berat agak berkilo2 gak lah, so dia kira dah makin kurus sekarang. Compare dia dengan dulu, sumpah lain gila dah sekarang.
My family have started to compare me and her. Walhal, aku dengan dia beza lebih dari 10 kilo kot!! Lebih 10 kilo. Mereka kata aku dah sama saiz dengan akak aku yang tu. Memang sumpah malang lah untuk aku, sebab aku berasal dari kurus, telah gemok dan cuba kembali kurus. They kept comparing me with the old me. Kakak aku pulak memang bertuah since dia dari gemok berubah menjadi kurus. Last2 yang jadi mangsa kutukan every time balik kampung siapa? Aku jugak. Aku jugak lah. Buat penat shed of 3-4 kilo last2 pujian kurus pun takde. Cakap aku gemok lagi ada laa. Can't you guys see the depression that I have here right now?
Dalam banyak2, aku boleh mengadu kat mak aku je lah. Eh, siapa ye tak sedih, bila balik kampung je orang sedap mengata kau gemok. Walhal, you know you've tried so hard to lose weight. But your efforts seems being unappreciated with this kind of sh*t. How harsh can the world be for people like me? Bersyukur laa bila korang berasal dari gemok then dah berjaya kurus. At least korang akan rasa appreciated jugak.
Yeah, I know, I need to lose 10 kilo also to make me look super thin, then baru orang nak kata, "Eh, ko dah kurus lah". Baru orang nampak beza aku dulu dan sekarang. Baru orang kata aku ada effort nak kurus kan badan. Aku kena jadi tiang elektrik macam dulu baru mereka nak kata aku kurus.
Girls get depressed easily with these kind of words. But some people just couldn't catch that lah kan. And the worst thing is, bukan lelaki yang selalu komen pasal benda ni, perempuan jugak yang mengomen tuh! Perempuan jugak. Padahal kita perempuan semua tahu, weight is a big issue for girls. I just couldn't understand why.
Ok, aku silap lah sebab suka makan merapu dulu2. Chocolate bars aku habiskan sorang2, marshmallow pun sebungkus makan sorang2 just in one night, keropok jajan semua aku bantai. The thing is, I've stopped doing it now, okay? Seems like all my efforts has gone on waste =/
Dah lah. Malas nak amek kisah apa orang cakap dah.
Posted by su at 10:53 PM View Comments
Nyan it!
Posted by su at 8:25 AM View Comments
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Finally, my fourth handphone
Recently, aku beli handphone baru, which Samsung Galaxy Ace. Well, to be honest, this is the very first time aku jadi pengguna smartphone. So like, seriously, aku noob sebenarnya bab2 smartphone ni hahah. Selama ni aku memang pengguna tegar (well, tegar laa sangat kan) Sony Ericsson. Tegar lah jugak. Sebab 2 kali gak lah aku beli Sony Ericsson.
I don't buy new handphone like I buy new clothes. I rarely change my phone. So this is like, the 3rd time aku tukar phone? Dulu zaman sekolah, aku dah start beli handphone actually. Beli sendiri wehhh. Hebat tak? Haha. Bukan mahal pun. Nokia biasa je. Tak ingat lah Nokia yang mana. But I am sure yang warna dia biru. Baby blue. Then, my second handphone was sponsored by my father since it's my first time as a university student. Sony Ericsson. RM800 lebih gak lah harga dia. Handphone tu bertahan dalam setahun lebih. Then one day, cover belakang handphone tu hilang bila aku masuk rumah hantu masa festival apetah kat UIA. Masa tu aku decide, tukar handphone baru lagi.
My third handphone, the one that before the newly bought handphone, was bought after I lost my second phone. Sony Ericsson G900. Haaa, yang ni sempat tahan dalam 2 tahun jugak ah. Tu pun beliau melalui saat2 begitu duka dan sengsara bersama aku hahaha. I've dropped this phone countless of time actually. Punyalah banyak calar-balar kat badan beliau. Sangat berbeza rupa beliau sekarang dari saat beliau lahir didunia ni dulu HAHA. Aku pun malu nak tunjuk muka terkini beliau sekarang hahaa. Anyway, this phone rosak, was because of my bad. Air mineral aku tertumpah kat dalam beg, menyebabkan handphone ni sesak nafas dan meninggal dunia begitu saja tanpa sempat diberi bantu CPR haha nampak sangat menipu nya. OK LAME. Handphone aku ni actually masih boleh start. The problem is, sim card tak boleh detect. So yeah, I decided to buy a new handphone lah kan.
Finally, my fourth handphone, Samsung Galaxy Ace. Compared to my previous handphone, actually phone aku kali ni even beliau ni tergolong dalam keluarga smartphone, beliau jugak antara handphone termurah pernah aku beli. RM780 tunaiiiii. My previous two phones semua harga RM800++ gak lah. So actually, to be honest, aku sumpah puas hati guna handphone ni.
Dude, first time kot pakai smartphone. Ternganga2 kagum gak ah guna handphone ni HAHA. Menyebabkan aku terpikir kenapa laa aku tak pernah terpikir nak beli smartphone sebelum ni. Ayat berbelit2 aku ni haha. Baru laa aku tahu perasaan menggunakan Android, di mana ko boleh dapat berjuta2 free applications kat internet tak yah keluar sesen pun. Ok, sumpah jakun hahaha. Aku pernah jadi Android developer okaaaay (developer la sangat padahal kau takat main ubah coding orang je haha).
Aku ada reason jugak lah kenapa aku pilih samsung. Well, orang ada tanya jugak, kenapa tak alang2 beli blackberry je? Aku jawab penuh ikhlas tulus hati aku, aku seriously tak pernah suka Blackberry. Sumpah tak pernah suka. Tak pernah aku berkenan tengok design Blackberry ni actually. And aku rasa Blackberry sangat overrated. People bought it because they can actually show off yang handphone mereka mahal HAHA no offense, aku gurau je. And also sebab BBM. "Eh, nak BBM pin kau pleaseeeee", dengan penuh rasa bangga kat facebook. Tu sebab aku rasa Blackberry ni overrated.
Then orang tanya kenapa tak beli iPhone? Yang ni pun aku nak berterus terang. Sebenarnya lah kan, kalau beli iPhone, aku tak tau kenapa, aku akan rasa sangat ketinggalan jugak lah kan. Sebabnya iPhone ni kalau keluar yang baru, mesti pakai nama yang sama. Diulangi, nama sama. iPhone 3G laa, iPhone 3GS laa, iPhone 4 laa, iPhone 4s laa. Sat lagi keluar iPhone 5 pulak. Tak ke rasa makin lama makin kau ketinggalan? Hahah. Bila kau pakai iPhone 4, tengok pulak iPhone 4s, rasa macam iPhone 4 kau tu macam dah lama gila. Ni laa sebab kenapa aku tak pilih iPhone even aku rasa iPhone itu macam cool.
Pastu actually, another choice aku, of course HTC. Tapi tu lah, HTC best. Handphone semua nampak smart. Sumpah aku suka tengok.Tapi masalah nya, yang sumpah lawa2 belaka, mahal. RM1000++. Haihhh, rambang mata mak tengok nyah oiii.
At last, aku pilih Samsung jugak. Sebab aku rasa Samsung moderate lah. Tak terlampau overrated. Even orang kata Samsung ni tiru iPhone banyak. Tak kesah lah. Not my problem pun mereka nak tiru2 ni. And seriously, Samsung memang banyak gila tawarkan smartphone yang sangat affordable untuk student. Some of the phone okay, not all. Dah tau takde kemampuan takyah menggatal nak capai Galaxy Note lak kan. Or SII. Ikut kemampuan lah nyah oii haha.
Aku actually ada gak aim nak beli Samsung W. Well, because of few reasons. Harga dalam RM950 gak ah. Tapi lepas tolak tambah timbang tara (ehh?), aku decide beli Galaxy Ace akhirnya. Also because of few reasons. Aku actually memang berpuas hati lah kan dengan phone ni. Cuma satu je lah problem, battery. Aduhh, tiap2 hari aku kena cas handphone ni. Nasib laa bill elektrik UIA yang bayar haha.
Since handphone yang ni fragile, aku jaga agak gila elok gak lah. Siap ada sarung lagi lah untuk si Ace yang sorang ni. Pernah jatuh sekali actually. Tapi tu pun jantung aku ikot jatuh sekali haha. Nasib ler jatuh kat tempat rendah je. Hoiii, tak berani nak buat lagi nyah oiii.
Posted by su at 9:29 PM View Comments
Saturday, December 10, 2011
My first nuffnang cheque
Whoever want easy money, try nuffnang lah. Especially when you have that writing skill to attract people. I'm so lazy lately to write in the blog, so no easy money for me haha. Well, actually, to my surprise, even I didn't update the blog that much, traffic keeps on coming and money keeps on increasing, even sikit. Sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit hahaa.
Anyway, tabole laa mintak2 belanja ni. Because the money is not that much and also already pasang niat to belanja my family laa with the money. Heheh. So yeahh, keep on coming to my blog. Mana tau one day kalau murah rezeki, aku bermurah hati nak belanja korang makan lak. Hahaaa. Till then :)
Posted by su at 11:32 PM View Comments
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Sungmin (Super Junior) and B1A4 wave their hands at me!
Went to MO.A Live in Malaysia 2011 today. Actually I have mixed feeling about this. First of all, the management is really pissing me off for giving out 50% discount for the tickets and also being rude to us. Yes, Fuyooh.com seriously the most f*cking stupid event management company ever exist in Malaysia. I don't even want them to be the next concert organizer anymore OH PLEASE. Stupid company. Okay, enough ranting.
Anyway, I was totally happy today. You know why? Many reasons of course!! Okay, first thing first today I was actually very busy managing kids at Shah Alam for my community service class. So I was in Shah Alam almost the whole day. I did bought the concert tickets from the fanbase. Means that, if I buy it from them, I get to go in the stadium early as they all told us. So I wasn't really worried about my seats, since I know the fanclub "will reserve it", well, take note of the double quote. So I arrived at the stadium in around 5.45, went for my asar prayer, then went back to stadium as I thought we can actually enter early. What makes me f*cking mad is that when I show our tickets that have the stamp that says we are qualified to enter early, the stupid management people says that with their stupid face that all of the fanbases have already entered the stadium so they can't let us go in the stadium early too. Ok, at that time I was so f*cking mad. Eh, kemon lah, you guys did gave out the royal zone tickets AS CHEAP AS RM191 TO OTHER PEOPLE while here I am only got FREE SEATING TICKETS WHICH COST ME F*KING RM183, so why can't just let us enter early huh? I was freaking mad that time actually. So while loitering around thinking on how to get in early in stadium, suddenly the best part happens.
So HERE THE BEST PART. I actually SAW WITH MY OWN EYES, Super Junior, f(x), Miss A and B1A4, just in front of me, in the vans, making their way to stadium. No, I wasn't actually planned to look after them. They just... showed up in front of us. I was freaking excited so I screamed my lungs out. I saw them okay, I saw them!! Okay, that's only the first part of my best parts.
After that we tried to figure out on how to get into the stadium early. Since they have violated our rights to get in early, so yeah, we sneakily went to the front of the row, sneaked in within those people in the queue, and then tadaaa! We got in earlier as we thought hahaha. They asked us to cheat. Not our real intention lah kan actually -___-"
Anyway, after that go for maghrib prayer and waited for some more time again. Damn, they started the show late. I got at the very front place, very near to the stage. I can actually see the artists moving around on the stage and also BEHIND THE STAGE. THIS IS THE SECOND BEST PART. We actually saw Miss A getting ready behind the stage, and also Super Junior resting while waiting for Yesung to perform. Wuhoo, nice!
They started the show with Miss A. I am the only one there who can sing almost all of their songs cuz most of the fans are the ELF (Super Junior fans). Awkward moment actually to sing alone hahaaha. Anyway, dear ELFs, actually I am quite disappointed with you guys today. Yes, I know we all want to see our oppas performing on the stage, but why some of you can't just respect other artists. I dunno, screaming out Suju's name when other artists are currently performing? Not actually appropriate. You may scream your lungs out when Super Junior is on the stage but please, please, please respect other artists when they are performing. And some of them obviously just sit there, doing nothing, not excited and not showing their interest when other artists are performing. Dude, can't we just have fun? It's concert okay! We should have fun.
Second coming was B1A4 if I was not mistaken. These dudes, very hyper, very cute, very macam2 lagi lah! They make the stage feel super fun okay! Though I can't sing their latest song hahah. But most of the songs are familiar to me. I was really trying my hardest to give support to other artists because I think they need some more love. Especially the rookie groups. They are trying their best to perform so we should try our best to support, right?
Next coming is f(x). My favourite girl group because of Khuntoria haha. f(x) did very much of fanservice on the stage. They were hugging each other and cuddling haha. So cute. And oh, I didn't know that Amber has soooo many girl fans. The girls were like screaming out Amber's name. Oh, dear, it's weird. Anyway, probably because Amber is kind of tomboyish in term of appearance. Oh, btw, Krystal was not present. I don't know why lah kan.
Last but not least, our dearest Super Junior. My veryyyyy first time watching them live. Awesome. Daebak. They sang very awesomely live. They start of with Superman. Way to go Super Junior! Yesung even did a solo song, which is the OST song of Cinderella sister. Sumpah rasa nak nangis dengar. Probably because I am a big sucker for OST songs hahaa. Songs that were on, A-cha, Mr Simple, Marry U, Bonamana and Sorry Sorry. And another song that.. I just don't know hahah. Also, Leeteuk with his famous greeting, "Assalamualaikum" :)
Anyway they end up with no encore. All the groups just went on the stage again, say bye bye, then that's it. So here comes another best part. All the groups already ended their performances so they went to the back stage, in the tent. The tents that were build for artists to rest in there. Performance ended so we kinda waited for awhile since we were kind of lazy to go out of the stadium early because there might be jams on our way out. We waited for the crowds to be off first lah. So I told my sister, "Eh, jom duduk kat hujung stadium ni. Mana tau lah boleh spot artists ke". So we went to the end of the stadium where we can see the back stage. Sit there, like looking blindly at the tents. Suddenly, they start to open up the tents. Miss A, f(x) starts to move out and we started to scream like hell. Here another BEST PART IS. B1A4, the only rookie group there, suddenly make their way out of the tent, saw us waving like crazy at them, so they were like, waving like crazy to us back! Sumpah comel!! Gila lah weh. They saw us and waving at us back! And they looked very excited too when waving at us heheh. Serious weh, jarak aku dengan B1A4 time tu memang gila agak dekat. So kinda boleh nampak muka diorang dengan jelas. Sangat excited lah time diorang wave tadi! They looked very very very friendly at that time and they melts my heart. Nak jadi fangirl diorang boleh? hahaa
Then after awhile, penat pulak rasa nak duduk dalam stadium so we decided to go out of the stadium and wait for our parents. So my sister and I was like, "Lapar, lapar, nak makan apa ye? Burger nak?". Something like that. While walking our way to the street and talk about burger, suddenly we saw bunch of people lining up on the street. So I was like, "Eh, apa tu? Kenapa diorang beratur? Jom lepak sana, kot mana tau Super Junior lalu depan mata ke". So what I did was like go to the people saja2 but then suddenly saw from far that bunch of vans are currently going to our way. I was so speechless, just rushingly make my way in the line, standing there like an idiot. Saw few vans in front of us but no one actually screaming. And I thought I saw Miss A and f(x) lah kan. But no one screaming. Only me scream like an idiot haha. But then suddenly everyone starts to scream, only that time I know Super Junior is in the next coming vans. So I was like going crazy. My position was like very near to the van. I was standing exactly in front of the van. The vans are moving very fast, almost hit a girl on the side of the street. My eyes was like, trying to catch a glimpse of any artists so finally THE LAST BEST PART OF THE DAY, Sungmin, our DEAREST Sungmin, stick his head out of the van, showing his face to us, waving back to us while we were waving at them crazily. Ooo Emm Gee, Sungmin. Can't you be any cuter?? A very cute creature waved back at me after I waved my hand to him. Seriously, suddenly I feel like I'm flying seeing that scene okaaayyyy! It's not like everyday a Korean artist will wave to you.
The awesome part here is, yes, I only pay RM183 for the ticket and I can see the artists at the very front of me and all these awesome coincidence scenes. AWESOME + DAEBAK.
Anyway I was pissed off by the management but everything was saved by few waves from B1A4 and our dearest Sungmin. Luckily they saved my day. Luckily they make me feel like I'm flying ahaha. Yes, tonight was a very awesome night. Wuhooo~!
Posted by su at 12:39 AM View Comments