Sunday, May 31, 2009

Selama nie aku asyik dgr jek org ckp mcm pasal hidup kat universiti nie. universiti bkn hanye nk melahirkan golongan yg bekerja, tp utk melahirkan intelektual antar contohnya. Aku dok pikir2 la ape maksud mende2 nih. ye arr... selama nie aku hidup dr matriks hingga ke cenfos and last skalik kat cni, aku mmg la berusaha utk belajar bersungguh2 and dpt kan result yg bagus. bile pikir balik... bagus ke kalu aku blaja and dpt kan result yg bagus saje? itu la persoalan nye skang.

aku sbnrnya da tgk macam2 jenis plajar kat universiti nie. ade yg hanye cukup2 makan aje time blaja and bile exam diorang hanye berharap utk pas exam. well aku dulu pernah duduk kat dlm golongan so aku tau la perasaan golongan nie camne. ader jugak aku tgk blaja cam nk mati, klass x pernah ponteng, pastu rajin pi tanye kawan, consult ngan madam tp masih agi kiok. tu pon aku pernah tgk gak. mungkin ade kesilapan di mane2 kut. tp ader jugak aku tgk time blaja dia x pernah bother sgt and lagi suke nk main2. tp ape yg aku nampak plajar yg camni jarang2 kali kantoi, well maksud aku repeat arr pasal diorang nie masih ade kesedaran diri agi arr kan.. diorang main2 pon diorang masih pikir buruknya kalu kene repeat tu. ada jugak yg aku tgk diorang blaja2 and terus blaja sampai kehidupan sosial terabai. bagi aku student camni no life punye org. hidup bosan cam cipan. ade lak tuh telampau pentingkan kehidupan sosial sampai pelajaran sumer buang entah ke mana. sikit2 x pi class pasal camping la, meeting tu la, ini la. aaa nie pon mmg org yg hampas la jugak bg aku. dan org cam aku lak x ske devote kan diri ngan plajaran, hidup sosial hanye la cukup2 makan, and aku akan rasa sgt bosan kalu x main2 (aku sgt suke dgr lagu time blaja) , kelab yg aku masuk pon bleh ngan satu jari jek tp still aku takot la kalu x blaja. so aku hanye blaja utk keselamatan diri jek. tp paling bagus pernah aku tgk semestinya satu golongan tipikal nie ygsape2 tgk mmg respek arr. blaja mantap (4 flat gitu... x pon sipi2 nk masuk 4 flat), hidup sosial bagus, kelab sumer masuk. har3~~ nk tunggu aku jadik org camni. in your dreams la kawan~~~

x kesah mane2 jenis plajar pon, once korang da start masuk universiti sbnarnya bermula hidup baru ngan matlamat yg baru. aku dulu sblm menjejakkan kaki ke universiti nie (contohnya time kat skola/matrik/foundation) x penah pikir sgt ape tujuan aku masuk universiti nihhh. aku x pernah beratkan sgt ape maksud sebenar kehidupan dan macam mane mencabarnya hidup kat luar apabila tiba masa nya kita dibebaskan utk terbang sendiri. tp tu larr... sedar x sedar, bila kita da start mencapai angka dua puluh... kita sebenarnya da dewasa. well ramai kengkawan aku sbnarnya cube nafikan sb bak kate diorang, ala kite umur jer da tua, x kesah act cam kanak2 agi huhu. aku mmg x nafikan tu sbb at imes aku mmg lagik ske act like those happy kids. haha budak2 mmg besh la weh.. x yah pikir masalah ngan beban yg terpaksa ditanggung. tp nk tak nk camne kite cuba nafikan pon, tanggungjawab dan masalah mmg makin bertambah. mmg korang pernah dgr lagi banyak masalah kita hadapi, lagi matang kta akan jadik. so korang mengaku jela, korang da tua~~~ har3.

aku dulu2 mmg ada pemikiran tipikal nie. ala blajar jer.. dpt result yg gempak2 tu jer. mmg kat matrik aku ada pemikiran camtu. tp once aku da start masuk universiti, aku d start pikir, pemikiran cenggitu da x bley pakai da... tu namanya pemikiran time korang skolah menengah. blaja elok2, dpt result spm yg best giler, pastu banggakan mak bapak, and dpt tawaran universiti yg cambest. time skolah menengah mmg mind set camtu la yg kita pakai. mungkin bak aku kate sblum nie, aku lambat mature so tu sbb time matrik pon aku ade mindset cenggitu. tp bile da start out kat universiti nie, aku tetiba rase cam kene penampar lepas di brain wash ngan kakak2 ngan abg2 fasi kat iflah camp tu. tu yg aku da start btul2 pikir, c de gune jer kalu takat terror kat exam jer tp soft skill cam hampas. aku serious x nafikan yg aku sgt2 kurang soft skill. aku hanya la mampu skor kalu korang tanye kat paper jek tp bile bagi yg sbnar, blum tentu aku mampu nk buat.

aku sedikit sebanyak kagum gak ar ngan kakak aku yg no dua (jgn gitau dia, nnt beliau kembang har2). ye arr dia dulu x de org yg top scorer mase kat universiti. dia dulu adalah manusia tipikal yg slalu copy and paste assigment (or cut and paste? haha) and dia x malu ngaku yg dulu dia hanyela setakat menumpang project diorang yg hebat2 utk final year project. dulu time blaja, dia nie tipikal blaja tok exam asalkan lepas jek. slalu time nk dpt result muka dia mmg biru abes arr takut tgk result. tp skang aku rase dia da berbeza. satu sbb mungkin dia ni late bloomer la. tp yg pasti dia jenis yg blaja cara praktikal and melalui pengalaman. memula dulu dia start out ngan syarikat kecik jek.. buat mende ciput jek. gaji dia pon start up dgn sgt sikit dlm rm1000 something. tp tu la, sket2 dia blaja kat citu. cara nk deal ngan org, nk wat keje hape sume. tp time tu dia lum lagi keje btul2 under IT la kan. tp dlm dua tahun keje pastu dia dpt tawaran keje kat rtm. betapa bagus nya cara dia bekerja sampai bos syarikat tu x sanggup lepaskan dia and nak naikkan gaji dia. tp pasal nk keje under government utk lebeh selamat so dia blah gak.

smpai kat rtm baru la dia betul2 keje under IT. Haaa... time nie la baru tercabar kredibiliti dia sbgai sorang yg ader degree dlm IT. kalau korang nk tau, kat citu lg ramai org yg hanya ader takat diploma and sijil tp percaya atau tak, diorang lagi mantap dari kakak aku yg ade degree dlm IT nie. sampai kakak aku rase malu ngan diorang. ye arr diorang da lama bekerja kan.. lagi la banyak ilmu yg da diorang timba dr pengalaman diorang bekerja and banyak deal dgn masalah berbanding kita mahasiswa yg bakal (insya Allah) memiliki degree nie. pastu tu kakak aku berazam pasal malu ngan street2 smart nie utk lebey terror dari diorang. advantage utk dia pasal dia nie ada degree. mmg nk tak nak, dia adalah boss utk manusia2 street smart nie. so apelagi dia pon timba la ilmu ngan diorang, rendahkan diri bertanya walaupun dihina (eccey) pasal dia ada degree and diorang tak. tp tu la.. lama2 lepas da timba pengalamn sumer, dia da makin mantap and skang nampak da same hebat ngan street smart nie.

apa yg aku nk tekankan kat dlm citer aku kat atas ialah mmg bagus kita ada degree tp kalu kita tak tahu mcm mane nk wat secara practically nya, well, soft skill la, kita mmg akan kalah ngan dak2 street smart nie. diorang mmg hebat pasal diorang tau diorang nie street smart so nothing else to secure them other than soft skill yg mantap. tp tu la, kita yg ada degree nie, tu la kelebihan kita yg sebenar. sbb kalau korang nk tau, degree tu la penyelamat kita. tanpa degree tu entah2 kedudukan kita akan lebih bawah lagi. so satu yg aku blaja kat cni sebenarnya, degree itu adalah satu bonus. kita sbnarnya agak secure kalu ada degree. yg penting skang nie, tajamkan soft skill kita, seriously, kita akan jadik same taraf ngan street smart, bahkan lagi hebat dari diorang. and satu lagi yg penting adalah communication skill. kalu kita x reti bertanya, sampai bila2 pon kita kan sesat jalan. penting nya utk kita bertanya tu sbnrnya. and other than that, communication skill nie adalah utk tambah kabel haha~~

pjg lebar abes duit kat cc jek. okeh ciao~~

Benda nie dh lame terlintas kat otak aku tp baru aku akui skrg yg byk faedah nya bila kita blaja sejarah. aku gila menyesal sbb x blaja sejarah btul2 dlu time pn ho ajar (har har~~) tp yes seriously, minat aku kat sejarah skrg nie berada dlm tahap yg agak tinggi ar. sblm nie minat la jugak tp sejak btn aritu bertambah2 minat kat sejarah. malu aku nk nyatakan yg aku hanye dpt 3B for sejarah. takpe, benda tu pon da jadik sejarah huhu.

tp tu bkn main point aku. main point aku skrg, byk rakyat kita masih x blaja agi dr sejarah kita yg dulu2. dan fokus post aku skrg semesti nya usaha nk bawak balik chin peng ke Malaysia yg sgt lawak. seperti yg kita tau la kan dulu2 komunis tu ape and ape niat sbnar diorang mase diorang berusaha nk menghalau british. diorang dulu terang2 memperjuangkan ideologi yg sememangnya bertentangan dengan ideologi mane2 pejuang negara time tuh iaitu ideologi komunisme. aku bukan nya hebat pasal sejarah tp cukup la dgn apa yg kita dh bace kat buku teks menunjukkan betapa kejam nya komunis pada zaman dolu2 yg telah menyeksa bukan hanya pejuang negara malah rakyat biasa. betapa kejam nya mereka

aku kat cni bkn nk citer sejarah kat korang. aku hanye la nk share pendapat aku utk tak menyokong chin peng di bawa pulang. aku mmg tak puas ati ngan sesetengah pihak yg sanggup menyokong bawa pulang chin peng and declare dia tu pejuang negara dan bukannya pengganas. pulok dohh... terang2 dh dulu komunis punye la menyeksa penduduk tanah melayu demi kepentingan diorang, alih2 ada pulak puak zaman skrg ckp chin peng pejuang negara. satu statement yg sangat tak adil utk pejuang2 negara yg sebnar yg pernah diseksa komunis pada zaman dulu. dan org2 sebegini la yg x reti baca buku sejarah. diorang dulu fail sejarah kut ekekeke.

Manusia zaman sekarang mmg suke buat lawak harhar~~

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Aku pelik skang kenape tetibe makin feymes trend tukar2 link utk blog. Kira nya mcm nk ramaikan lagi followers kite. And honestly, aku menyampah. No offense intended tp realiti aku x ske. Alkisah sebenarnya aku lagi ske lepak kat blog adalah kerana aku nk blah dr dunia kunun2 glamer seperti facebook, friendster, myspace, twitter and shitloads lagi. kat situ dulu manusia2 dgn rakus dan bangganya ske nk kumpul rakan2 and comments/testimonial/whatever the names are bg menunjukkan mereka tu feymes. and aku slalu pikir, x pnat ker diorang wat camtuh. hey, bg aku tmpt2 camtue hanye la utk menghubungkan rakan2 yg dikenali shaja and not those strangers. last2 yg rmai dlm siri kenalan adalah manusia yg kita hanye kenal page dia sahaja. bukan aku x ske kawan baru, friends are more than friends. aku pun ramai gak kawan online from whole wide world, but yes, i only consider and add them lepas dh borak2 and find out we have something in common. itu baru friends online yg btul. yg aku btul2 x ske tahap cipan nie bile manusia nk tunjuk konon2 page diorang feymes so diorang add la sape2 stranger x dikenali. kepada sape2 yg terasa, sori aku x bermaksud ape2. tp itu la, i don't mind those things lagi sbb aku dh x terlibat or x brape terlibat sgt la ngan dunia kunun feymes tu. tu sbb aku lagi pentingkan blog. tp bile org da start mencemar dunia blog dgn benda2 camtu, aku rase annoyed. x salah yg add kite tu adelah org yg btul2 minat ngan blog kita, atleast they read more than twice tp kalu saje2 nk tambah follower, i hate it. aku da start rase diorang nk bwk trend frenster dedulu ke dlm blog. aku bkn la blogger yg lame, tp aku da stat blogging dr taun 2005 kut. aku agak tau la trend blog nie camne kan. tp yg bagusnya trend nie x diamalkan oleh rakan2 skola dulu ku. mereka even private kan blog mereka utk mengelak stalker. as i know up till now, blog utk kita share ilmu, pengalaman, hidup kita ngan org yg dikenali and org yg share common interest. bkn utk unnecessary stupid popularity.

No offense intended saje nk tulis ape yg aku pikir. I'll write anything necessary that pops out in my mind. Peace

Saye sbnarnya sgt saket ati bile going around the famous websites and terbace komen2 pasal jaya supermarket nih. Takde angin takde ribut tetibe jek ckp yg jaya runtuh sbb kerajaan -insert the word-corrupted la hape la. Org tu corrupted la, parti politik yg nie corrupted la. Saye sgt saket ati. I could careles about the politics nor the politicians at all. x kesah diorang corrupted ke hape, non of my business. tp seriously, nk kaitkan benda2 corrupted nie dgn bangunan yg tgh nk di demolish yg dh begitu lame didirikan and menjadi ikon p.jaya, sgt la x patut. saye seriously sgt sayang dengan jaya supermarket. going through all the readings about jaya supermarket sgt mengimbau kenangan. so it's really hurt to read comments from those people who don't know a SHIT about jaya supermarket tetiba nk komen yg bukan2. i know those people yg komen tu mmg BUKAN dr kwsan pj atau seksyen 14. cuz we people from here really sayang la bangunan tu. so stop the DAMN comments la weh. nk citer politics pi cari isu lain la. non of this precious building business. so shut your stupid mouth up! And please, give condolences towards the family yg kehilangan org tersayang. damn malaysians are so stupid when it comes to these things la...

Saye sgt emo skrg so you may ignore the post. But hey, please be more concern towards others feeling when posting something

Friday, May 29, 2009

Td aku gi kat kwsn jaya supermarket and these are what I got from there. The policemen and other forces blum retreat agi time nie pasal masih proses mencari. I only get to take pictures from the other side. Susah nk dpt gambar from the side yg runtuh tu. Well one thing I learned here : penduduk seksyen 14 mmg bukan penyibuk. there aren't many people as I thought crowding there. Only a few while others are having their own normal daily life. Pegi bank, makan2, urusan pos, everything mmg going on as usual. Nampak la jugak van2 such as bernama, tv3, ntv7 tp I can't see any from rtm. mungkin diorang kat blakang kut. and oh, diorang pi tutup jalan kat sblah supermarket yg arah nk pi umah aku dan menyebabkan jalan jadik agak sesak. kesian tgk those policemen, bomba people, rela people and those who are involve. sume muke nmpak agak pnat.

View from digital mall

View dr Sinma

Another view

Another one

Video that I captured there

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sebelum kene roboh. I love this building ;(

Lepas dh runtuh


Baru td tgk berita yg jaya supermarket kat seksyen 14 kat umah aku runtuh. takde la dekat sgt ngan umah aku tp still dekat la jugak. aku dengar la jugak berape kali bomba lalu kat depan umah tp aku x tau pape. last2 tgk brite ckp jaya runtuh. dia kate sbb runtuh sbb struktur bangunan tak elok. mmg la pasal tu bangunan lame. time aku slalu lepak situ aku rase elok la jugak bangunan tu tp mmg agak nampak terbiar la. bangunan lame bila dh kene kacau struktur dia mmg akan runtuh la. sbb dh tak stabil. ramai ar gak terkorban. ishh ngeri gak aku bayang kalau la time kitorang masih slalu lepak kat ctu and tetibe je runtuh. mmg ngeri abes la.

edit: bgnn runtuh sbb salah gune cara nk demolish not bcoz of struktur x kukuh eks

Ni berita dr The News Straits Times Online:

Disused Jaya supermarket collapses, one worker killed, six trapped
By : Lee Shi-Ian, Fay Angela D’cruz & Adrian David

At least one worker was killed when the old wing of the iconic Jaya supermarket building in Section 14, Petaling Jaya collapsed this evening. Just before 7pm, search and rescue teams rescued two trapped workers and sent them to the Universiti Malaya Medical Centre.

At least six workers were reported to be still trapped under the rubble at 7pm.

The building, which housed the first supermarket in this town, was being torn down for redevelopment when it collapsed.

Police said about 30 workers were carrying out demolition works when a section of the building collapsed at 4.45pm.

Police mounted a security cordon to keep away the curious crowd and sealed off nearby roads to facilitate search and rescue operations, causing a major traffic jam in the area, extending to the Federal Highway.
The building was originally called the Jaya Shopping Centre when it was built in 1974. It was a landmark and was one of the first supermarkets in Petaling Jaya.

Last year, all tenants including Jaya supermarket moved out as the building was earmarked for redevelopment.

The shopping centre was mired in a controversy in the early 1990s when it built a 10-storey car park extension, four storeys higher than the approval given by the local authority.


Aku mmg sayang jaya nie sbb kat ctu first2 skalik aku stat shopping. dlu bile dia nk stat demolish aku mmg hiba habes arr. byk kenangan kut kat cni. tp aku pikir kalu dia nk bina bangunan baru ok gak. tp bile dh jadik camni ade kemungkinan gak la rancangan nk bangunkan semula jaya nie tergendala. hope everything will be okay...

Hurm skang nie dh sket sgt dh mase nk update blog. seriously. sgt la susah nk online kat gombak with the exception time kat klas. aku x de la sengal sgt nk pi update blog time bro nashrul mengajar even though i do feel bored to death bile bro tu mengajar. aku x kate bro tu teruk cume masalah komunikasi membataskan segalanye (ewah~~ bahase~~). he's a typical indonesian i guest. so that's why his language is hard to understand. i didn't say that indonesian can't speak english cuz my tutor, bro rusydi, an indonesian too is superb in English. it's just probably this bro isn't that good in English. Well, he once said jugak la, "I don't teach English language, I teach C language". it's true in some way but how am I supposed to understand the C language if I don't understand the medium or the language that he used to teach the C language to us? haih takper la... atleast he isn't like some lecturer who is superb fluent in English but fortunate not, suck in teaching (cikgu x amanah la tu~~~). I seriously respect brother Nashrul cuz he never late to class (it were us who were always late! haha), he never gets bored when teaching us (though it were us who always get bored and surfing the net, chatting like mad in the class), and he do tried his best to entertain each and everyone of us (though he seems kinda bias to the boys la kan. mungkin dia pemalu ngan pompuan kut). So yes, I don't mind him. And oh yes, slame nie aku sangka bahse indonesia tu senang nk paham tp rupe2 nye agak susah. aku gile x leh nk communicate ngan klasmate indonesian aku. i don't understand the words. dan bonusnya aku adelah sorang yg agak pekak arrh so she once said something it and i need time to interpret it. gile pekak arr. and we even got some students from other countries such as philippines, thailand and some other west asian countries. ntah arr.. aku nk mention pon aku x taw camne nk pronounce name countries diorang. lucky not, i haven't even once met people from japan nor korea. nampak sgt kat sane org islam sgt kurang. oh, izzati penah ar tny one person nie nape dia pilih UIA? and nk tau ape dia jawab? dia pilih UIA sbb UIA is the only International ISLAMIC University in the world. betape kembang kempis bile aku dgr dia ckp cenggitu. tu sbb arr aku rase uia sgt feymes kat arab sane. tetibe aku rase sgt bangge jadik student UIA. Korang x bangge ker?? hehe. Dok kat UIA nie mmg membuatkan korang rase korang nie blaja kat london sane (p/s: tp london panas nk cam tuuutt la kan. gombak nie 24/7 panas kut). org dr macam2 negara korang leh jumpe. smpai kadang2 aku rase aku pulak yg foreigner kat sane. once korang step out from mahallah (asrama) korang, korang dh smpai london versi panas. bile dgr org ckp, korang akan rase korang la alien (semestinye diorang pikir kitorang nie alien jugak huhu).

Life is getting better in UIA. I'm getting used to it. Tp skang tgh agak bengang ngan exam cuz I forgot to write sumthing important for question no 4. Luckily mid exam hanye 20% huhu. Roommates are great though I don't spent much time with them cuz most of my time were spent at home (even now!). Aqilah, Izzati and Najihah. All are great. We are all ICT-ian except for najihah who is an economics student. Classes only 3 times a week with the addition 2 classes of tutorial. Not that busy I guess. Right now I'm kinda bothered with something but can't specified it. Well I always get this kind of feeling when life is getting unreasonably hectic. I need to slow down the pace so tension won't get near me but hell yeah... short sem adalah sgt sengsara wehh. sume sgt cepat la. you can't even miss one class (though I was once missed the class sbb saye punye perut sgt saket). Lucky, very very very lucky, saye just aje blaja programming time last sem kat cenfos. though you can say that I don't fully understand programming that much there. I get that kind of result on luck la weyy. Ishh.. I wonder why everytime when I'm updating my blog, I will feel a bit depressed. that's why byk posts aku yg emo2 belaka. maybe bcoz of the songs that I listened everytime I'm typing something in the posts.

And lagi satu benda yg aku perasan, aku ske wat karangan utk posts aku. aku sbnarnye x bape ske post pendek2. x puas nk bace. lagi2 bile you only update your blog once in a while. kene la letak update sket pasal life kat cni. kalu tak what for la ade blog ek? tp x per. lain org lain cara. just jgn kutuk cara org lain sudah. kita bkn nya bagus sgt utk mengomen perangai org lain. cermin diri sendiri dulu baru sibuk nk menutuk org lain. kalu diri belum cukup sempurna, muhasabah la diri sendiri tu dulu. and jgn sgt bahan kutukan itu berubah menjadi fitnah semata2. mengumpat pon dh cukup berdosa besar apetah lagik memfitnah ek?? Wallahualam. aku pon skang cube control kekerapan mengumpat aku. ntah arr... owang pompuan bile dh ramai2 berkumpul and dh stat rase boring tu, mula la start mulut berkate2. org tu cmatu la, org nie camni la. gejala yg mmg susah utk dielakkan sbnarnya. tp sbnrnya mengumpat nie leh wat kite tzk cium langsung bau syurga kut. itu yg aku berazam nk mengelak mengumpat. tp aku manusia and aku nie perempuan. susah tol. xpe2 sket2 insya Allah boleh huhu.

ishh.. ok la. nnt esok2 aku rase cambest aklu update agi eksss...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Lama sgt x update blog so saje la nk post kat cni. Well, I was one of the lucky people who get selected for the iflah camp at Port Dickson. and when I say lucky, I do really mean it. Seriously, for a free one, this camp is great. Good food, nice facilities, not really strict committees and most important one is that the speakers are superb. well not all of them are superb, just some. the one like the lecturer from AIKOL (law faculty for those don't know) is a total boring. I slept for a few minutes when she talks. One of the speakers that I love is brother Osman Affan, A seriously nice speaker though I feel kinda sleepy at times. Well it was totally my own fault cuz I don't get enough sleep at that particular night. Yeah, we even managed sneaking out that night for some good food hehe. Supposedly we had curfew but I am absolutely sure that the committees are sleeping at that time. penat dowh nak jaga kitorang neh. byk karenah haha.

At first when I saw my name on the screen, I felt seriosly terrible. leceh gile bla3. i seriously hate motivational thingy cuz i'm not into them. i feel that one should be their own motivator instead of someone who barely even know them. and yeah up till now i still feel that way (even after this iflah camp hehe). no one can really motivate me except for myself, my family and my closest friends. tp gagah kan diri utk pegi jugak. yelah konon2 ckp wajib, it's not that i believe in the compulsory word, it's just saje je nk pegi coz it's free. dude, you can make up excuses la for not going to the camp. it's not that they can banned you from entering UIA.

Well the camp is mostly indoor and we just had one outdoor time.but still fun imo. ade la activities such as skill in problem solving and such. could not mention more cuz i remember only few of them. the committes and fascilitator sume mmg hebat2 belaka. most of them are 3rd and fourth year students. yg dh nk grad sumer nye. and a few yg tgh buat master. ade jugak yg blum grad tp dh ade income sendiri. buat software utk company. and these people seriously make me realize that we should not only study, we should have skills in order to survive in the business world. i only think about studies and never really bothered to broadened up my skills. itu la, i've considering for a few skills jugak skrg nie. tp x tau la... skang nie view tgh sgt2 la kabur kat uia nie. lagi2 bile masuk short sem. can't see everything clearly lagi. wait till the long sem la baru pikir balik ishh...

Neway, some pictures

Me and one of my roommates, Aqilah
Pagi yg gelap di Port Dickson
Izzati, me and Ina (an engineering student who was sesat at the ict room, luckily i'm friendly with the engin people ahaha)
Me, izzati and a person I don't her name but she's nice. Time nie tgh lepak kat pool sblm aku terjun dgn riangnye ke dlm kolam. i swear that i know nothing about swimming haha. ofcourse hanye la di kwsn kanak2. kene buli siot ngan budak2 tue. and it was only us the uia students who wear tudung in the pool hehe
Qila tgh lapar gile smpi pinggan pon nk telan hehe
Me and nina (the other nina in ict, not my nina hehe)
Diana and Nina
It's me snapping Aqilah's picture
The view of our resort from the bus
Indah nye port dickson!
Istana pasir x jadi. Kitorang pi wat stadium lak haha. Kat kiri skali tu our mascot, monyet rupe cam devil. oh lupe lak yg name team kitorang adelah monkey and seriously embarrassing to make the sound. never mind la. kene buli siot.
Another view. Kat kiri tu committees
Me infront of the pool
Qila, me, Izzati
Aqila pose x bleh blah!
Yeah, kami sgt riang. Aku nmpak terencat dowh!
Lastly, view of me infront of the Resort

Everything is nice and I kind of recommending if ade lagi camp camni from SLEU. If and only if it's free!