Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hurm skang nie dh sket sgt dh mase nk update blog. seriously. sgt la susah nk online kat gombak with the exception time kat klas. aku x de la sengal sgt nk pi update blog time bro nashrul mengajar even though i do feel bored to death bile bro tu mengajar. aku x kate bro tu teruk cume masalah komunikasi membataskan segalanye (ewah~~ bahase~~). he's a typical indonesian i guest. so that's why his language is hard to understand. i didn't say that indonesian can't speak english cuz my tutor, bro rusydi, an indonesian too is superb in English. it's just probably this bro isn't that good in English. Well, he once said jugak la, "I don't teach English language, I teach C language". it's true in some way but how am I supposed to understand the C language if I don't understand the medium or the language that he used to teach the C language to us? haih takper la... atleast he isn't like some lecturer who is superb fluent in English but fortunate not, suck in teaching (cikgu x amanah la tu~~~). I seriously respect brother Nashrul cuz he never late to class (it were us who were always late! haha), he never gets bored when teaching us (though it were us who always get bored and surfing the net, chatting like mad in the class), and he do tried his best to entertain each and everyone of us (though he seems kinda bias to the boys la kan. mungkin dia pemalu ngan pompuan kut). So yes, I don't mind him. And oh yes, slame nie aku sangka bahse indonesia tu senang nk paham tp rupe2 nye agak susah. aku gile x leh nk communicate ngan klasmate indonesian aku. i don't understand the words. dan bonusnya aku adelah sorang yg agak pekak arrh so she once said something it and i need time to interpret it. gile pekak arr. and we even got some students from other countries such as philippines, thailand and some other west asian countries. ntah arr.. aku nk mention pon aku x taw camne nk pronounce name countries diorang. lucky not, i haven't even once met people from japan nor korea. nampak sgt kat sane org islam sgt kurang. oh, izzati penah ar tny one person nie nape dia pilih UIA? and nk tau ape dia jawab? dia pilih UIA sbb UIA is the only International ISLAMIC University in the world. betape kembang kempis bile aku dgr dia ckp cenggitu. tu sbb arr aku rase uia sgt feymes kat arab sane. tetibe aku rase sgt bangge jadik student UIA. Korang x bangge ker?? hehe. Dok kat UIA nie mmg membuatkan korang rase korang nie blaja kat london sane (p/s: tp london panas nk cam tuuutt la kan. gombak nie 24/7 panas kut). org dr macam2 negara korang leh jumpe. smpai kadang2 aku rase aku pulak yg foreigner kat sane. once korang step out from mahallah (asrama) korang, korang dh smpai london versi panas. bile dgr org ckp, korang akan rase korang la alien (semestinye diorang pikir kitorang nie alien jugak huhu).

Life is getting better in UIA. I'm getting used to it. Tp skang tgh agak bengang ngan exam cuz I forgot to write sumthing important for question no 4. Luckily mid exam hanye 20% huhu. Roommates are great though I don't spent much time with them cuz most of my time were spent at home (even now!). Aqilah, Izzati and Najihah. All are great. We are all ICT-ian except for najihah who is an economics student. Classes only 3 times a week with the addition 2 classes of tutorial. Not that busy I guess. Right now I'm kinda bothered with something but can't specified it. Well I always get this kind of feeling when life is getting unreasonably hectic. I need to slow down the pace so tension won't get near me but hell yeah... short sem adalah sgt sengsara wehh. sume sgt cepat la. you can't even miss one class (though I was once missed the class sbb saye punye perut sgt saket). Lucky, very very very lucky, saye just aje blaja programming time last sem kat cenfos. though you can say that I don't fully understand programming that much there. I get that kind of result on luck la weyy. Ishh.. I wonder why everytime when I'm updating my blog, I will feel a bit depressed. that's why byk posts aku yg emo2 belaka. maybe bcoz of the songs that I listened everytime I'm typing something in the posts.

And lagi satu benda yg aku perasan, aku ske wat karangan utk posts aku. aku sbnarnye x bape ske post pendek2. x puas nk bace. lagi2 bile you only update your blog once in a while. kene la letak update sket pasal life kat cni. kalu tak what for la ade blog ek? tp x per. lain org lain cara. just jgn kutuk cara org lain sudah. kita bkn nya bagus sgt utk mengomen perangai org lain. cermin diri sendiri dulu baru sibuk nk menutuk org lain. kalu diri belum cukup sempurna, muhasabah la diri sendiri tu dulu. and jgn sgt bahan kutukan itu berubah menjadi fitnah semata2. mengumpat pon dh cukup berdosa besar apetah lagik memfitnah ek?? Wallahualam. aku pon skang cube control kekerapan mengumpat aku. ntah arr... owang pompuan bile dh ramai2 berkumpul and dh stat rase boring tu, mula la start mulut berkate2. org tu cmatu la, org nie camni la. gejala yg mmg susah utk dielakkan sbnarnya. tp sbnrnya mengumpat nie leh wat kite tzk cium langsung bau syurga kut. itu yg aku berazam nk mengelak mengumpat. tp aku manusia and aku nie perempuan. susah tol. xpe2 sket2 insya Allah boleh huhu.

ishh.. ok la. nnt esok2 aku rase cambest aklu update agi eksss...

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