Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Knowing English can never make you look cool

"i think shes style is not disheartenning let she do what she suppose to do..just smething wrong wif person who were look bad on her style..yet,all people love her style..that is not call publicity but stylity.!!xo!!"

Aku jumpa kat dalam facebook. Identiti penulis dirahsiakan. Guess what? I am dying laughing my arse off reading those words. Bukan aku nak menghina mereka yang kurang pengetahuan dalam English tapi seriously, kalau rasa diri tu kurang pengetahuan dalam bahasa ni, tak perlu lah nak maki orang dalam English setakat untuk nampak cool. It looks so, uncool? Bahasa ibunda kan ada, gunakan lah dengan sebaiknya, ye dak? At least improve your grammar first, baru cuba maki dalam English, ok? Kau buat aku terbahak gelak tak leh blah lah. 

Knowing English, or being an expert in this language can never make you look cool. English is knowledge, even if you don't want to use it in a proper way, never disgrace this language. Ada paham?

Pardon my language. I know it ain't that perfect but at least I try.

Sekarang boleh sambung gelak.

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