Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hari ini unintentionally tersepit tangan sendiri kat pintu sebab mabuk makan ubat. Serious sangat sakit. I don't really realize what I have done so tiba2 jer jari dah ada kat pintu, tiba2 jer tersepit. And tanpa aku sedar yang dia tersepit dengan agak kuat.

I'm really not good with drugs. Memang sangat cepat mabuk. 3 biji ubat cukup buat aku dah tak betul. You can actually have fun watching me making fool of myself bila aku high on medicine drugs. I can be totally not me. Can even laughing myself out macam tu jer. Or even revealing my own secrets haha

And actually aku tengah type entry ni dengan condition still under drugs. Separuh sedar. I don't really understand why am I typing this thing now and found myself really hard just to type things and finding the right words. Really need to sleep before aku merepek lebih. Nak type perkataan sleep tu betul2 pun takes more than 5 seconds. Serious ler dah mabuk. Bye2 mahu tido =_="

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