Monday, June 7, 2010

Blood test result and my current condition

Got my blood test result today. Alhamdulillah everything is normal. Though some of the test is kinda cacat haha. No la. Bukan cacat. Just some of them dia punya count macam terlebih 2-3 camtuh. Contohnya macam ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), supposed range dia dari 0-20, tp aku punya count dalam 23 camtuh. The doctor said it's normal lah benda tu. Range terlebih dalam 2-3. So nothing to worry about. Over all, blood test was okay. Everything is normal.

Tapi I think I got too over worried pasal my current condition. Lepas aku jumpa specialist minggu lepas, tetiba aku rasa badan aku macam terawang-awang bila berjalan. Condition dia macam korang berjalan atas kapal kat laut lebih kurang macam tu la. Rasa macam tak stable bila berjalan. Tapi mak aku kata aku nampak stable jer. Takde la bergoyang pun. Tapi bila aku try jalan2 laju, rasa macam nak tumbang. And it's getting worse day by day. Aku tak lah rasa pening, cuma rasa macam nak jatuh lah.

When it comes to brain part, mesti korang pun over worry jugak at times, kan? Aku of course sama lah. Otak ni dah fikir2 bukan2. Takut jugak lah ada brain tumor ke apa. Pasal imbalance time berjalan is one of the symptoms. And weakness in body pun is one of the symptoms. Tu yang aku risau jugak tuh. Tapi tangan aku ni not really weakness sebenarnya. Dia lebih kepada lenguh2 macam tuh. Excessive use of laptop I think.

So today I went to see the doctor again. She double checked me and she said that nothing to worry actually. But I am a little bit of worried again, pasal this morning I have this kind of nausea. Rasa cam nak muntah macam tuh. *One of the symptoms again*. Tapi lepas makan and everything, aku rasa dah quite okay. Probably masuk angin (and first day of period maybe). But the doctor said that kalau nak lebih yakin, buat CT Scan. Tapi dia kata bukan dia yang suruh lah, lebih kepada nak puaskan hati sendiri. Tapi dia ada bagi ubat sekali pasal condition aku sekarang ni lebih kepada balance disorder. Korang google sendirilah kalau nak tahu apakah itu hehe. Dia kata balance disorder ni lambat nak elok sebenarnya. So dia bagi ubat dululah.

So I think I'll just makan dulu ubat tuh, wait for a couple of days, tengok condition macam mana. If tak ada lagi nausea or headache in the morning, I think it's okay to not have CT Scan to be done. Tapi, kalau ada jugak nausea, I have to worry more =(

Sekarang ni time untuk release tension, dengar lagu, karaoke keee. hehe. Lately rajin ikut mak pergi jemaah kat masjid time asar. Syok pulak rasa. Dapat rasa ketenangan. Takde rushing pun.

Haihh, maybe less time on facebook and blog again. Sighhh~

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