Friday, May 6, 2011

P.O.P or Prince of Pop under Cat Farish

Okay. Dok laa search through blogs, fanpages and everything, discovered this one new group called P.O.P or Prince of Pop or P.R.INC(?) di bawah mentor Cat Farish. Aku baru kenal mereka. Aku tak berapa ambil tahu lah pasal perkembangan artis tanah air kita. So just recently discovered them. I wonder... compared to 24:7 or Max 247, even mereka sama2 berinspirasi kan Kpop, tapi kenapa P.O.P ni tak ada haters ye?

Tidak lah mahu kata aku minat kumpulan P.O.P ni. Belum lagi tahap tuh. Just.. aku respect mereka. Kerana even mereka mengaku mereka ada pengaruh kpop, they did actually ride on the kpop wave, still, mereka masih beridentiti sendiri. Sepanjang aku perhati kumpulan ni, tak ada pulak mereka mengaku mereka itu kpop group. And they credited the artist of the song that they have covered very well. They respect the artists. This group is being ORIGINAL. They don't dance rubbish-ly like those 24:7 or whatever you guys called them. Yes 24:7 is RUBBISH.

These kind of artists that we want. Identiti sendiri. Baru orang boleh menilai. Tak ada lah orang nak membanding. Dan aku rasa they have gone under proper practice to debut. They have done it respectively. 

Korang try nilai sendiri lah macam mana diorang ni. Aku, peminat DBSK jugak and rasa ok laa diorang cover lagu ni

Ni pulak lagu original mereka

And ni laa P.O.P

Well, tahniah untuk P.O.P!

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