Sunday, June 13, 2010

Teddy bears

Kat status Nur Syafiqah Sulaiman kat facebook hari tu, ada laa kami borak-borak pasal teddy bear. Ni semua bermula dengan status dia tulis, "Peluk teddy bear kuat-kuat...". Aku dengan jahatnya cakap lah, "Peluk kuat2 pastuh belasah teddy bear tuh!! heeyak! heeyak! heheh~". Haha, jahat sungguh aku.

Takde lah. As a girl myself, I do cling to the teddy bears a lot too. Teddy bear is like... peneman setia for a girl. If takde teddy bear pun, sure there's one thing that a girl would want to cling on when they feel sad or happy. And I really admit that.

Macam apa pika and aku borak2 hari tu, bila sedih, teddy bear jugak kita cari. Dia jugak yang dengar apa yang kita cakap. And the teddy bear will always smile whenever we are sad. Memang peneman duka terbaik lah (and they never will ever scream if we hit them hard!! haha~). Hug them tightly will actually release our stress, recover our sadness, and hilangkan rasa takut kita yang kita tengah ada.

Satu ayat kelakar pika : "
haha.. itu betul... susah senang semue ngan bear... n if kite cerite pape, bear xkan contradict... not like MEN!! kan? haha..."

Not like men haha. Tapi that "one man" itu jugak lah yang ko sayang, kan pika? ;)

p/s: girls always want men who understand them well and will not make them cry even one drop of tears. remember that :)

p/s/s: and patut korang boleh paham lah kenapa girls selalu suka bila guys bagi teddy bear :)

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