Takot okeyhh. Kaki aku masih menggigil sampai sekarang. It was an accident tp supposedly accident yang boleh di elak laa.
Well, hari ni supposed uwan aku nak balik kampung dah, and will be back here next week. Pastu tadi bawak laa dia naik kereta which was parked kat luar rumah. Betul2 kat tepi jalan. And time tuh uwan aku sorang dok dalam kereta and aku pulak tengah nak salam dengan uwan. So I was exactly kat tepi kereta and the door was open. Lepas tu tiba2 I felt like the car was moving and was reversing dengan sangat agak laju. I was shocked! And a total shocked. So dalam keadaan separuh sedar, I tried to stop the car from reversing more. Sebab jalan depan rumah aku memang jalan besar where the cars suka berlumba kat depan tuh and kereta biasa memang laju. Dalam otak dok fikir time tuh, uwan aku still dalam kereta, how am I supposed to back off from the car? Seriously aku fikir nak berhentikan kereta tu je. Semua orang dah jerit2 and was trying to help stopping the car at that time. It waaaas a total chaos.
And suddenly the car stopped. Almost half of the body dah ada kat jalan raya. I felt my legs were shaking badly at that time. Still can stand but were shaking. Everyone was in a total blur.
Lepas tu baru laa tau, rupa2 nya my oldest sister pegi start enjin kereta without realizing yang my dad time tuh dah masuk ke gear reverse (oh, the car is a manual car). Memang habit ayah aku gak laa everytime he parked the car, dia mmg suka masuk gear reverse. And my sister actually knew it but she kinda forget about it. Naseb baek lah kan, time kereta tu tengah laju reversing, my sister sempat matikan enjin. Kalau tak, I can't think what was gonna happen to me. Probably won't be typing this entry kot. Sebab kalau fikir lah kan, I wast stuck between the door and the car, trying my hard to stop the car. Kalau lah suddenly kereta tu couldn't be stopped, memang terbaik lah. A car will probably hit my dad's car and kereta terseret and probably I will be smashed and squeezed between the car and the door. Like oh my God, I couldn't think more. Time reverse tu, I can feel that the car was moving really fast sebab I feel it with my body. Gila serious lah kan. 5 humans trying to stop a bloody huge unser. Memang tipu. But I just can't think more. Only pray and hope I can stop the car. Ini tindakan refleksi that a human will do. Sebab aku fikir aku stuck kat pintu and taleh nak gi depan matikan enjin.
Fuhh, memang pengalaman. Itu lah pengajaran. Kemalangan ada kat mana2 je. Bukan kita boleh jangka. Even kita dah berhati2 camne skali pun. Yang tadi tu memang alhamdulillah nothing bad happen. Sampai uwan aku dah mengalir air mata dia sebab terkejut and takut. Dia tak larat nak turun kereta sendiri. All she can do the was hoping that the car can be stop. Sebab kalau orang muda boleh la terjun kereta and run for your life.
Aku tak lah sampai menangis. But was shaking really badly kut. Dalam otak dah fikir dah macam2 possibilities yang menakutkan yang boleh berlaku. So ape2 hal, alhamdulillahhh. God still loves me...