Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Already got my hair cut

Despite of me saying that I want my hair to grow longer, the truth is, today I got my hair cut... again. And I had it cut quite short BUT I am quite satisfied with it :)

Wasn't planning from earlier pun nak pegi potong rambut. Just jalan2 around The Mall than suddenly terasa nak pegi potong. At last, my hair got shorten.

Quite satisfied laa dengan kedai tuh. Cost only around RM45 for cut+wash. And sangat puas hati dengan dia punya hair wash. Well, even my rambut feel a bit keras sekarang ni, I dunno why probably the shampoo kut(?) tapi tak kisah laa. Boleh cure dengan sunsilk hehe. Dia punya massage memang superb lah kan. And and and maybe aku ni muka pathetic ke hape, the owner gave me discount RM5 so I only need to pay Rm40 =D

Bergaye ngan rambut baru hari ni!

Oh ya, lama tak buat layer cut. And finally I got my hair layered :)

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