Friday, March 20, 2009

Saje nk ulas isu terbaru pasal pengharaman lagu Allah Peduli oleh Agnes Monica. So, becoz of that, tadi dok pusing2 kat google utk cari pendapat malaysian people pasal mende nie. of course as a muslimah, i give my full support utk haramkan lagu nie kat malaysia. pasal sememang nye terang2 dia tu kristian and she uses the word Yesus or Jesus in the lyrics. but, that's not my main point. bila dok pusing around the forums, byk yg suruh boikot agnes dan membuat kan aku tertanye, kenapa? x kan la hanye semate2 dia nyanyi lagu nie terus nk boikot? seriously, i'm not a big fan of her but then... to boycott her macam... x patut. as far as i know, she sing the song utk sambutan christmas kat indonesia and it wasn't her original song pun. utk haramkan dari masuk malaysia, aku mmg sokong gile tp nk boikot dia, there's no solid reasons for that. tp tu la, berapi-api aku tgk diorang suruh boikot agnes monica. bagi aku la kan, kalu btul2 nk boikot dia, baik boikot sejak dari awal dia muncul kat malaysia nie... sebab dia punye performance on stage sememang nye mampu membuatkan aku mengucap teramat la panjang. pertanyaan aku, kenapa org x mo boikot dia sebab nie? hmmmm....

p/s : the results are already out. what i can say with my result is Alhamdulillah :D care to tell me what's your result?

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